Jan. 26 – Class 3/ Review Improv Inflatables

Welcome! Today we will look at your Improvisation Inflatables, get the new assignment, and do some hand sewing.

Uploaded Videos (after class)

Here is a page with all the uploaded supplemental videos of things we were not able to cover fully in class today (1/26).

View videos here

Welcome & A Warm-Up

  • Welcome
  • Warm-up led by Asad and Heeyun
  • Reminder: Sign-up here for 2 times to co-lead a warm-up activity (if you haven’t already)

Share Improvisation Inflatables

Do a short share and feedback of your first assignment as a class.

Push/Pull-Part 1: Objects

Primary Forms

Hand-Sewing Demonstration

We will learn the basics of hand-sewing through sewing and stuffing a sphere.

House Keeping

  • We will be meeting in person starting Monday, Jan. 31 in Hunt Studio A (106B).


The following are due by the beginning of class, Wednesday, Feb. 2:

  1. Finish your sphere. Bring it to class with you on Wednesday.
  2. Find an example of a new inflatable or soft sculptural form on the internet or a book/magazine that you find engaging. (something we have not seen in class yet).
    • Upload your findings in a post and categorize it under “In the World”.
    • Include a few sentences describing what you find most interesting about your found inflatable and how it might pertain to the work we are doing in class.
    • Include a few photos of the work.
    • Include a link to where you found your inflatable, if found online.

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