Kavya – In The World

When looking around for soft sculptures in the world, I came across Claes Oldenburg’s works. He takes objects we see in our everyday lives such as food and appliances and creates enlarged soft sculpture representations of them.  What I found most interesting about Oldenburg’s works is how he takes simple objects that we all recognize but lets gravity and size portray them in a new, unique perspective.  I also liked how versatile these objects were, such as the floor cone that can be placed in multiple orientations to show different aspects of the work. This pertains to the work we are doing in class because our next assignment Push/Pull-Part 1: Objects works more with the techniques Oldenburg used because we are stuffing rather than inflating our objects, so without a constant flow of air holding certain parts up, the size, weight, and orientation will become important factors we must consider with our own objects.

Link to works: https://www.wikiart.org/en/claes-oldenburg

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