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Student submissions documenting exercises, projects, and other assignments.

Assignment 4: Responsive Fabric Mechanism by Kristie Lord

For this assignment, I decided to focus on the more intimate interaction of kissing between two people. I also wanted to ensure the way the fabric moved made…

Assignment 4: Lucian Hodor

In this assignment I chose to showcase the building of bonds between people and how easy it is to have an impact on someone else’s life. I represented…

Assignment 4: Maya Pandurangan

The interaction I decided to focus on was the swatting away motion that people do when others are irking them. I thought it would be interesting to make…

Assignment 4: John H

I wanted to add some flair to our everyday punch. Taking inspiration from the frilled-necked lizard, I sewed thin wooden dowels between two strips of fabric then brought…

Assignment 4 – Adam Grant

I wanted to do more with the accordion design I used last time, so I thought I could focus on the action of paying attention to someone, or…

Assignment 4: Olivia Werner

For this assignment I sewed plastic tubing into a piece of fabric and threaded a string through the tubing in hopes that I could create a mechanism that…

Assignment 4: Julia Nishizaki

For this assignment, I wanted to play with the interaction and movement of a hug. Personally, I really like hugs, and I wanted to convey how hugs can…

Assignment 4 – Sunjana Kulkarni

For this assignment, I had interesting inspiration from the nature of Venus Fly traps: I reflected back on our class discussions about clothing repelling touch in some way,…

Assignment 4 – Olaitan Adisa

The response fabric was to imitate the wings movement of a peacock using the coordinating interaction of two people. The wings were made with cardboard sewn with the…

Assignment #4- Tahirah Lily

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