Month: March 2023Page 2 of 3

Final Project Proposal (Charlotte and Robert)

Title: Silk Ocean (WIP) Location: Basement Hallway to Photo Booth We are looking to achieve a billowing fabric effect for visitors that walk down the hallway. The ceiling…

Project proposal (Ziyu and Ann)

Action at a distance | Final | Jil Berenblum

This is a final exploration of how to patch pages between a recently published architecture book and an older one. The one text comes from a book on…

Action at a Distance pt.2 | Saloni Gandhi

The first thing I tasked myself with was finding a location for my project so I could develop my ideas into site specific pieces. I found this cuby…

Action at a distance 2 – Ann Kang

Last time I left off trying to make a disk that can move vertically up and down and also rotate. I tried to produce rotational motion using a…

Action at a Distance #2 – Ziyu Li

Concept Since I was away for the entirety of string break, and had a very full Monday, this update sadly only contain theatrical sketches, calculations, and models in…

Action at a Distance Pt. 2 | Robert Petruska

For this checkpoint, I tested different methods to integrate fabric with the wooden mechanisms. I attached cloth strips at the gear train and a folded piece of fabric…

Action at a Distance pt 2 – Charlotte

After a little thinking from last time, I made a rice snake. It started to fall apart so I had to make a new one. I put rice…

Action at a Distance Pt 2 | Jil Berenblum

I tried two different experiments to see if I could combine two different movements and see if I could weave the paper a bit. I also wanted to…

Action at a Distance pt.2 | Daniel Zhu

Initial Sketches Reflecting on my progress from the last update, I decided I wanted to focus on a simpler mechanism that put more emphasis on the movement of…