CMU School of Art / IDeATe, Spring 2020 • Profs. Golan Levin & Nica Ross
Person In Time – Draft Ideas
My first idea is to use a thermal camera in an air-conditioned room to capture a dancer (myself) from resting and peaceful, to a frantic and panicked state. The idea is that I would be able to communicate to the viewer the mental state of the dancer both with the choreography becoming more tumultuous and the thermal camera illustrating how the high energy thrashing movements cause the body to become warmer over time.
My next idea is using a slow-motion camera to illustrate the movement between common stages of rest, or between poses. Clearly, this has been done in many ways before, but I’d be interested to see how I could add to the idea by introducing the college setting. I.e, what happens when you put dynamic movement in between everyday activities like students walking to class, getting coffee, etc. Maybe this could be done by tracing with light as well, I can’t recall what that particular technique is called.
Thirdly, and this is my most ambitious idea given the time frame, would be a costume that is reactive to the wearer’s movent when repeated over time. Maybe a skirt with an Arduino and accelerometer so it would respond to repeated movement? I.e jumping, walking, spinning.