Objects of My Isolation

The grid didn’t represent how I feel right now. The objects are:

  1. DND dice: I started playing this game with my friends. Normally I’d never have time.
  2. Can of chickpeas: We don’t want to go to the grocery store too often so we got the Costco pack of chickpeas for the intervals between fresh vegetables.
  3. Sweater for a vodka bottle: I found it in my girlfriend’s house. It’s just funny and covered in cat hair.
  4. Airpods: I bought these to wear while I’m walking to school, now I wear them 5+ hours per day which really makes my ears hurt.
  5. Nintendo Switch: the thing to play Animal Crossing on. I wouldn’t have bought one if it weren’t for quarantine.
  6. Lotion: My skin is super dry from staying inside all day.
  7. Origami star: my girlfriend is making a lot of these.
  8. Vermont DoL form: She is also trying to get her unemployment check but they don’t even pick up the phone anymore because thousands of people are calling.
  9. 14 cans and 5 bottles: the beverage consumption of 3 bored people over 24 hours.

Author: Izzy
