Spaces Of Quarantine – Project Info

The Project:

The goal of this project is to create a tiled map of our spaces of quarantine using photogrammetry and high resolution 3d renderings. A ‘spaces of quarantine’ is a 4 walled area where you’ve spent a ton of time during this crisis. This instructional page will walk you through the steps to generate and share a model of your space. If you have any questions at all feel free to reach out to me via email or any other means.


Photogrammetric scan of my space of quarantine:

High resolution rendering of my space from above:

What to do:

  1. Download and get to know the app
    1. Download app
    2. Watch Intro Video
  2. Do some test scans. Below are some key pointers for photogrammetry
    1. Try to prevent shift in light, like shadow and fast moving light sources
    2. Do many sweeps of an object
    3. Move the camera around an object or over a surface — we want to get as many angles as possible on stuff
    4. Try to capture texture — the algorithm needs do be able to differentiate between points in the image, texture and variation in surface helps
    5. Avoid reflective surfaces — this really confuses things
    6. Be patient! It can take between 45 min to 5 hrs to process a model
  3. Scan your space of quarantine – this is the specific 4 walled space where you feel you’ve been spending a ton of time during this crisis.
  4. Share the model. Below are instructions on how to do this in app
    1. Hit share
    2. Press share 3d mesh
    3. Chose OBJ format
    4. Share via email with me (