I thought the project Variable 4 by James Bulley and Daniel Jones was extremely interesting in utilizing data, sometimes unseen, to create music. I similar project is the musical works of Brian Foo where he creates songs with data, often data that is unseen. There is a pretty substantial amount of songs he has created, but I specifically find the song Music Eclipticalis intriguing where Foo using positions of stars to create a song. Not all of his work is groundbreaking or pushed to the farthest limits, but he has a lot of interesting ideas in this realm of music from data so I’d recommend checking him out.
Website: https://datadrivendj.com/
Projects I Reviewed:
- Unpainted Sculpture by Charles Ray
- Escape Route by Dirk Koy
- The Clock by Christian Marclay
- Marmalade Type by Rus Khasanov
- Variable 4 by James Bulley and Daniel Jones