ProjectToShare Reviews


I decided to look at and comment on Huw’s post about non-euclidean renders (and other alternative rendering systems) as a form of photography. In general, I am inclined to support and expanded understanding of photography – so if someone want to claim it as photography, then will hear ut what they have to say. Thinking about non-euclidean render systems strikes me almost as more of a camera making process, that then takes photos via the render. It creates the system for the possible capture in the digital world and then renders it, or it reminds me of Vito Acconci’s work where he would walk down the street and snap ‘random’ photos on film and then develop them later. In a way, the expectations of the non-euclidean render system might not be identifiable until the render mich like the chance photography of Vito Acconci (and others).

Here’s an example of someone’s ‘impossible space’ render system created for Unity.

The projects I looked at:


Author: Joseph Amodei

Joseph Amodei is a video/media/performance artist and theatrical designer based in Pittsburgh and NYC. Joseph conceives of art as a powerful epistemic and emotional tool for examining assumed realities. His work combines innovative technology, extensive research, and hope for alternate futures to invite audiences into a communal process of debriefing and re-learning. Joseph grew up in North Carolina, where he received a BFA with honors in studio art from UNC-Chapel Hill. Currently, he is an MFA candidate in video/media design at Carnegie Mellon's School of Drama.