In the vial I combined a fragment of moss and chamomille – not the petals of the flower but the stigma, the head of the pistil.

The first image shows a familiar view from the chamomile filaments on the left side and moss on the right side of the image. I was mesmerized by the detail of the filaments. In some areas the moss looked like tree bark in others it was very porous, like a sea sponge.

The second and third image is a close up of the chamomile filaments and the fourth one is of the fragment moss where you can really see its sponge-like features. It was the first time I used a scanning electron microscope and though I expected to see this type of visuals, I could not help feeling marvelled with every image.

What interests me visually is the softness and tenderness of the images. I am drawn into its graphic quality, they seem very delicate graphite drawings.