SEM – Dried Sweetened Orange Slice

For my visit to the Pitt Center for Biologic Imaging I cut a tiny slice of a dried sweetened orange slice.

Dried Sweetened Orange Slice-01

millimeter scale (above)

Dried Sweetened Orange Slice-02

nanometer scale (above)


anaglyph (above)


I was really blown away by this process! It was really fascinating to be able to see something already so tiny, even further up close. The larger squares in the first image are sugar crystals. In the more zoomed in images, it appears to look like a weird, swiss cheese moonscape. Upon my arrival I learned that there was some concern that this item would not work, as there may have been small amount of moisture in even the dried fruit, but it did (Donna tested this and knew this before my arrival). I am looking forward to seeing what other people captured. In my visit we discussed what objects/processes and how photogrammetry might work with these types of images. We ended up discussing what bugs might look like under the Scanning Electron Microscope and then turned into photograms.


Other photos below:Dried Sweetened Orange Slice-03

Dried Sweetened Orange Slice-04

Dried Sweetened Orange Slice-05

Dried Sweetened Orange Slice-06

Author: Joseph Amodei

Joseph Amodei is a video/media/performance artist and theatrical designer based in Pittsburgh and NYC. Joseph conceives of art as a powerful epistemic and emotional tool for examining assumed realities. His work combines innovative technology, extensive research, and hope for alternate futures to invite audiences into a communal process of debriefing and re-learning. Joseph grew up in North Carolina, where he received a BFA with honors in studio art from UNC-Chapel Hill. Currently, he is an MFA candidate in video/media design at Carnegie Mellon's School of Drama.