- Welcome
- Check in: Material Packs from CMU Store – IDeATe Kit Form
- Great Article: Fabrics with Powerful Stories to Tell
- Did you see the Weft Technique videos uploaded?
- Activity: Alt Text Poems
- Check in on Part 3: The Deeper Dive of the Improvisational Weaving
- Review homework for Tues., 9/15 (below)
- Exit Ticket (below)
The following are due by the beginning of class, Tues., 9/15:
- Do Part 3: The Deeper Dive of the Improvisational Weaving assignment. Come prepared to share your thoughts on Thursday.
- Create a blog post on this WordPress site to document Part 3: The Deeper Dive
- Categorize your post with this WordPress category: Improvisational Weavings
- Write a brief paragraph outlining your explorations: intended effects, surprises, discoveries, challenges, successes.
- Embed clear, quality images of your weaving experiments in the blog post.
- Create a list of all the items you used in your weaving.