Encoded Cloth from the Future

100 Ideas for Encoded Cloth – Ron, Aaron, Sophia

  1. Spaceship boarding
  2. Colliding planets 
  3. City in space – think Elysium 
  4. Mars colony 
  5. Looking down on earth 
  6. Spaceship construction
  7. Resource extraction in space with broken earth in background
  8. Clear sky
  9. Futuristic spacesuits
  10. Plant in space 
  11. Birds flying into space
  12. Astronaut welcoming tourists
  13. View from office building on Mars
  14. Plans for toppling government – in patches
  15. People hiding from guards
  16. Vintage iPhone 20 for sale
  17. Three little humans (three little pigs)
  18. Peaceful ocean
  19. Kids playing at the beach
  20. Under the sea
  21. Water getting darker 
  22. Water floating
  23. Raining
  24. Rain and flooding
  25. People walking in the rain
  26. Trash in the ocean
  27. “Fast food” in the future
  28. Endless streams of data / records
  29. Ice Age
  30. City in Ice
  31. Ice in space
  32. Varied peoples in outer planets
  33. Uniformed peoples in outer planets
  34. Man looking at clock with master/boss/government behind
  35. Rising sea levels 
  36. Flooded towns
  37. Water extraction in space
  38. Touching light
  39. Radiation
  40. Different light colors
  41. Stars in space
  42. Imagery stars
  43. Naval Maps
  44. Schedules of work, routine
  45. Crew hierarchy/roles
  46. Journey from sea to space
  47. Dreams of what land looks like
  48. Oppressiveness of sea and space
  49. Monsters/god personification of land, sea, space
  50. Evolution of ships
  51. A circular tent made out of cloth and sticks
  52. A tent made out of multiple triangle shaped cloth
  53. Wall hanging with LED lights in the back
  54. Wall hanging with colorful LED lights in the back
  55. Table cloth with patches sewn on it
  56. Quilt made up of different patches
  57. Strips of cloth tied to each other (like a loose rope)
  58. Strips of cloth tied tightly with each other
  59. Strips of cloth braided
  60. Cube made out of 6 pieces of cloth
  61. Raincoat made out of dye cloth
  62. Raincoat made out of dye cloth of different materials
  63. Cloth sew together to look like a plastic bag
  64. Cloth sew together to look like an open chips bag
  65. Wall hanging that looks like dead plants
  66. Wall hanging of strips of paper cranes in different lengths
  67. Raincoat wall hanging 
  68. Different raincoats sewn together 
  69. Wet + dry Felt on quilt
  70. Wall hanging of cloth AND LED
  71. Forms inspired by naval traditions – ships and crew
  72. Waterproof
  73. Vacuum proof (both?)
  74. Umbrella/safety equipment in the future
  75. Different mini umbrellas made out of different cloth materials
  76. Umbrella with LED lights attached to it
  77. Umbrella + raincoat combination
  78. Wall hanging made out of cloth shaped leaves
  79. Lunch container with foods of the future
  80. Multi Purpose phone case
  81. Computer from 2070
  82. Ropes made out of dyed cloth pieces to hold snacks
  83. Four seasons
  84. Day/ night contrasts
  85. Dictatorship
  86. Wealthy suburban explorers
  87. Environmental disaster
  88. Large Waste
  89. Dark gloomy sewers
  90. Rainforest
  91. Space colony
  92. Memories from 2065
  93. Restricted Freedoms 
  94. Desperation of humanity
  95. Time: running out 
  96. Boundary between earth and space
  97. Vision of 2100
  98. Cherishing the present 
  99. Anticipating the future
  100. Exclusionary nature of privileges (only officials / rich get freedoms)
  101. Need for equitable access
  102. Vibrant city
  103. Futuristic concentration camp
  104. Duality of need – both sea and space
  105. Time capsule going thru space

Below are our favorite ideas from the list:

11, 18, 37, 44, 49, 61, 71, 74, 87, 98