Encoded Cloth from the Future Gallery

2071 Gaian Fashion Lineup

Sophia Huang, Aron Chen, Ron Chew
Acid Dyed Vest
Plain Vest with Waist Sash
Diagonal Sash
Screenprinted Motif

Ripstop, Cotton

Visual Portfolio, Posts & Image Gallery for WordPress

Our team initially decided to with an idea that focused on the future environmental disasters that Earth would experience. In this new society, the surviving humans now fear the elements of nature, represented as 3 gods of Fire, Water and Ice. We theorized that they would have motifs that represented these gods, and would try to wear those motifs on their clothing.

We were quite surprised at how the screenprinting turned out, as the mixing of the 3 colors made a nice gradient that felt similar to how a thermometer or heat visualization might work. From the print, we decided to work on vests that could utilize the print as a stripe or sash around it. With the good sewing work from Sophia, we were actually able to make 2 vests, with one dyed using similar colors to the screenprint.

Visual Portfolio, Posts & Image Gallery for WordPress

The collection of encoded clothing from 2071 was presented as a fashion lineup, with a global UN government launching this new line of clothing as a means to encourage the growth and maintenance of the faith. Our team presented this with a script and an imagined prayer for this religion.

While it was challenging to arrive at some group decisions while planning and making our encoded cloth, the project was overall a success. I believe our team managed to arrive at a good result that achieved our vision of how this future might be like with a huge environmental toll.

Visual Portfolio, Posts & Image Gallery for WordPress