We will be using a Google Drive Folder to keep track of all of our notes and work.

Our current idea revolves around creating a tunnel of sorts that the user can walk through towards the wall of mirrors. At first, we wanted to create a tunnel that led into a larger room that people could walk through and then be surprised with the larger room when they can see more and the mirrors. As we thought about the exact details and possible construction of the inflatable, we noticed that our inflatable idea was similar to a human ribcage and began to explore what that would look like instead of a tunnel/room object. We hope to use animation to create a hallucinogenic experience that makes the viewer feel as if they are walking through the body itself and into a person’s rib cage.

For this project, we will likely only use black and white nylon. The rough dimensions we measured while we were in the space were 14’ x 8’, so to make a tunnel we would roughly need about 300 square feet of fabric.
The most challenging parts of this idea are engineering the tunnel so that it is able to hold its shape – being mindful of how we will need to create a double wall throughout the tunnel with baffling as well as how to create a meaningful animation that is able to project well within our given restrictions of the internal size of the inflatable. Will the animation be able to project and fully cover the inside of the inflatable to create an experience for the audience as they are walking inside? We can try to create a similar environment for the projectors by having them display static images inside a closed space similar to our tunnel to see how we can anticipate them behaving.
Some Reference Pictures: