For today, we have finished our rough outline. We hope to make a small model soon to work out the stability of our project, we have not decided what we will make it out of, but we want to figure out what shapes we will need to create to make our piece.
For us specifically, our outline is very much a suggestion, as Asad and Georgia are part of SCC and have a busy week this week. But any slack we have in our plan we will pick up afterward. Our main goal is to have what we need to get done, done before the dates when we can go to WQEB and test our inflatable in the space there.
We have figured out the sizes that we want the inflatable to be, including the sizing and space between the ribs. We have also decided to use all white rib stock because we want to see the effect of color from the inside will travel through the white pieces and give a dream-like look both inside and out.