Olivia – Final

Bands in Isolation

3d visuals using photogrammetry for interviews with bands during quarantine

I wanted to create a project that was trying to do a little good in this crazy world right now, even if it was really small. Since, I have a radio show every week I made this project to explore what bands are doing in isolation right now and help those whose tours got cancelled to promote their new work. Interviews on YouTube that are audio only are pretty non-engaging, so I wanted to experiment with visual elements that are like a music video for an interview. This is definitely still a work in progress as I want to make the visuals more meaningful and custom to each interview. The video below is excerpts from some of the interviews conducted, with visuals from me experimenting with display.land, meshlab, unity, and premiere effects.

I think the content is interesting in the context of the time we are living in, I also think it is exciting because as I grow more comfortable with these softwares/experimentation I can create visuals that are more unique and personal to each person such as objects in their own homes. However, I am still figuring out ffmpeg in order to turn video to photogrammetry so that reality will come with figuring out this tool. Currently, I am using objects that are personal to me (such as the albums, places, and instruments featured) which I find interesting since I wouldn’t have access to these under normal circumstances and it highlights the connections between people and how music can bring us together.

The techniques used in this music video inspire me and I enjoy the repetitive, simple, but extremely engaging use of photogrammetry in the video. Also, not pictured but there was a pretty flashy and cliche music video we were shown in lecture that I couldn’t find of slowly flying through really textured objects/landscapes that mainly inspired this work as something I wanted to replicate but with more meaningful and less show-off-y objects.

I think that conversations that were had were in my project were very fruitful and I was happy with the visuals as a good start because they were very close to the aesthetic I originally wanted. The visuals lack strength in their concept, because although they are related they seem lacking in connectivity to the subject matter and something that makes them unique and important. But I am excited because I threw myself into a lot of unfamiliar territory and  feel ready to experiment with more techniques and am excited to keep this project going .