100 Ideas – Rachel

  1. quilt plastic bags
  2. weave plastic bags together
  3. stitch parts of plastic bags on fabric
  4. embroider image on
  5. stitch together old clothes and scraps
  6. cut out smiley faces from bags and handstitch
  7. melt down the plastic bags??
  8. go to thrift store for fabrics to reuse
  9. fully biodegradable textile
  10. use used tea bags
  11. go through my recyclables
  12. newspaper articles of warning
  13. plastic bucket hat
  14. food receipts
  15. UN 2030 Goals Quilt
  16. umbrella from old plastic
  17. use leaves
  18. various green textures
  19. dried foods
  20. vertical farming
  21. greenhouses
  22. no more glass skyscrapers
  23. green walls
  24. green roofs
  25. algae
  26. biofuel
  27. ban on single use plastic
  28. package free shopping
  29. oystertecture
  30. solar panels
  31. windmills
  32. water generated energy
  33. tote bags
  34. more farmer’s markets
  35. less big supermarkets
  36. urban farms
  37. biodegradable fashion
  38. biodegradable masks
  39. carbon absorbing clothes
  40. carbon absorbing buildings
  41. more biking
  42. no cars in cities
  43. electric cars
  44. mostly summer year round
  45. DIY culture
  46. ai markets
  47. shared workspaces (like wework)
  48. work from home
  49. outdoor dining
  50. bubbles for outdoor dining
  51. hyperloop
  52. travel by water
  53. city in a tower
  54. even taller skyscrapers
  55. everyone lives in cities
  56. composting
  57. whole food cycle
  58. vegans
  59. nose-to-tail if eating meat
  60. use whole vegetables
  61. bamboo gardens
  62. “instagrammable” attractions
  63. ban amazon packaging
  64. green juices
  65. no more fast fashion
  66. buy second hand
  67. on computer all day
  68. can get anything delivered
  69. no more cable tv
  70. youtube is tv
  71. short attention spans
  72. reusable bottles
  73. cafes only use reusable mugs
  74. less disposable cutlery
  75. more picnics
  76. drive-in movies
  77. live in cars
  78. canoes
  79. live in ships
  80. retrofit houses
  81. later gen immigrants try to return to roots
  82. ai pets?
  83. excess
  84. bad posture
  85. tech neck
  86. online museums
  87. tattoos
  88. healthier foods
  89. news through social media
  90. clothes made from tree branches
  91. mini homes
  92. netted bags
  93. clothes from fruits
  94. marathons
  95. online friends
  96. retro trends
  97. nostalgia
  98. bluetooth
  99. lightweight fabrics
  100. instant

Encoded Cloth Part 2- Marissa

  1. reversible cloak
  2. wearable patchwork jacket with headlines
  3. naturalist clothes that encourage adapting to nature
  4. eco-friendly plant material
  5. pants that encourage movement (track steps?)
  6. more widespread use of public transport
  7. sun hat that’s “anti-aging”
  8. street fashion that amplified voices
  9. face masks w metallic microbial/antiviral properties bc superbugs will be a problem
  10. masks for wildfires
  11. fireproof clothing
  12. quilt mapping conservation efforts
  13. quilt for restored habitat
  14. quilt to amplify indigenous voices and support their land
  15. gender neutral clothing
  16. ^ specifically gender neutral dresses
  17. uncomfortable jacket for the uncomfortable transition btwn beliefs
  18. distressed garments to symbolize breaking down outdated beliefs
  19. mangrove tree quilt
  20. smart textiles that let you walk in another’s shoes
  21. radiation protective blanket
  22. warming earth summer fashion
  23. all weather/terrain outfit
  24. articles made by items collected by the ocean clean up project
  25. protect coral reefs
  26. cape for nuclear winter
  27. scientific journals v. pop science
  28. clickbait
  29. map of daily water usage
  30. map global freshwater shortage
  31. emphasize importance of freshwater
  32. shoes made for walking slow; change of pace
  33. handmade reusable shopping totes
  34. topographical map urbanization/globalization
  35. community self care
  36. reflective material that changes appearance with light
  37. disruption of migration patterns
  38. coexistence with animals in cities
  39. chernobyl wolves, mutations
  40. non profit global outreach, play with perspective
  41. ocean acidification, acid dyeing
  42. natural dyeing; natural v synthetic
  43. BIOMIMICRY (nature inspired fabrics):
  44. gecko grip, textiles for strength
  45. sandgrouse or namid desert beetle water retention
  46. anti-freeze proteins (hypothermia/space plants)
  47. holographic material
  48. wearable cameras/lenses to enhance perception of environment
  49. storage! pockets, pockets, pockets; could symbolize hoarding/dominion over things
  50. something that is regenerative
  51. urban camouflage 
  52. rain gear (ice nucleating particles be causing crazy storms)
  53. complementary colors to create harmony
  54. mending previously uninhabitable landscapes
  55. mending relationships between people
  56. mending to eliminate gate keeping, bridge the education gap
  57. smart textile that allows for rechargeable batteries
  58. sanctuaries and re-wilding, returning to our roots
  59. animal prints
  60. an ode the walruses and polar predators melting polar ice caps
  61. conspiracy theories (reptilian skin lol)
  62. AI involved in health care
  63. zero gravity fashionables
  64. space exploration
  65. deep sea exploration
  66. wifi clothing
  67. labels, accepting/defending identify
  68. mood ring fabric (gloves??) encourage empathy
  69. integration with technology, cyborg evolution
  70. smart textile for temp regulation
  71. food waste resolution
  72. erasing misconceptions about sell by dates
  73. fungi turning food waste into new protein substitutes, scifi sounding resolutions
  74. vaccines and immunity
  75. textiles more inclusive of disabilities
  76. ^conversely beauty standards have become even more unrealistic and unattainable so clothing is ridiculous
  77. synthetic biology in fabric
  78. genome editing to produce lighter more breathable material
  79. smart textiles involving sensors
  80. ^carcinogen detectors
  81. biota beats: textiles encoded with microbiome music
  82. catalysts that break down toxic substances
  83. bio tech v. sustainable natural fibers
  84. therapeutic and degenerative polymers
  85. mental health awareness and removal of stigma (not normalization) 
  86. quilts to reduce anxiety
  87. mapping population growth and impact, stress strain
  88. textiles for the aging population
  89. bluetooth and streaming
  90. elimination of single use materials
  91. overcrowding
  92. changes in human migration
  93. dismantling of gender roles
  94. minimalism
  95. outlandish abstract contemporary
  96. colors to support a cause/raise awareness
  97. textiles that encourage opening up/conversation
  98. functional textiles
  99. clothing that instills confidence and hope in our future
  100. my personal 10 yr growth and hopes
Cloak design sketches/notes

encoded cloth p2 – maddie

  1. robots that play instruments by mimicking motions of past players
  2. mood changing lights
  3. vr workplace
  4. self cleaning shoes
  5. color changing textiles
  6. clothes that can quickly be tailored
  7. air filtering mask fashion
  8. autonomous public transport
  9. biomass energy
  10. temperature controlled clothes/outerwear
  11. war over water
  12. green buildings
  13. vertical gardens
  14. enclosed large scale agriculture
  15. small scale agriculture? –> single household
  16. no more cars
  17. teleportation
  18. ai artists
  19. enlarged art with robots
  20. soft monuments –> giant plushies
  21. fast global communication
  22. underwater communities
  23. plarn knit bags
  24. automatic building risers
  25. fully diverse communities
  26. moving bridges
  27. moving staircases
  28. giant dogs
  29. underwater vacations
  30. life in space
  31. smart glasses
  32. contacts with tech
  33. sound chips in head
  34. no trees –> all burned
  35. burnt landscapes
  36. synthetic gardens
  37. many skylights
  38. auto brightness lights
  39. rain filtering
  40. trash mountains taller than Mt. Everest
  41. unstainable shirts
  42. underwater paths
  43. walk on ocean floor
  44. commoditized air like in the lorax
  45. super shrinking/growing
  46. trash compacting robot ai like wall e
  47. restickable stickers / non permanent stickers
  48. robotic swimming / swim assist in deep water
  49. teleportation
  50. avg life expectancy +10 years
  51. faster space travel
  52. green fuel sources
  53. space fashion
  54. among us becomes real life – in space ship with imposters
  55. communicate with pets
  56. indoor household gardens
  57. auto care robots for gardens / agriculture
  58. convertible shoes
  59. color changing cars
  60. expandable cars
  61. real hoverboard
  62. holographic travel – like vr but in the real world without physically traveling??
  63. no one leaves the house ever again
  64. cloning dead people
  65. dead people ai?
  66. personal theme music playing in ear
  67. robots that do hair
  68. holographic performances
  69. dream projecting
  70. life simulator with people/places/things from own life
  71. secret entrances
  72. magnet cars – like maglev train but cars?
  73. giant butterflies
  74. wings for humans
  75. vr in more video games
  76. virtual conversation with life size screens – feels like you’re really talking to them
  77. flood damage to homes
  78. people stranded in floods
  79. better prosthetics
  80. snowing ash from fires
  81. smoky/hazy skies
  82. no single use containers/packaging/etc.
  83. dead coral reefs
  84. permanent makeup
  85. endless protests
  86. free music streaming to all
  87. giant tablets
  88. cure to cancer
  89. still in COVID-19 pandemic in 2030
  90. no pandemic but still wear masks because everyone is scared of germs
  91. houses integrated with nature
  92. giant tree houses!!
  93. rainforests rebuilt
  94. rainforests destroyed
  95. giant pandas extinct
  96. large igloos in winter
  97. enlarged snowflakes
  98. ice travel
  99. very elevated houses
  100. california burnt to a crisp

100 Ideas

By: Remi Adeoti

  1. hazy sky
  2. fire
  3. white house
  4. American flag
  5. white supremacy organization symbols
  6. confederate flag
  7. “We the People”
  8. “In God we Trust”
  9. blood tree
  10. roots to slavery
  11. rice
  12. whips
  13. hoses
  14. teeth
  15. ropes
  16. lynching
  17. white coats
  18. slave patrol=police officer star
  19. politicians
  20. Supreme Court justices
  21. weaving black woman
  22. heart=humanity
  23. Blood dripping from sun
  24. dark new moon
  25. grim reaper
  26. ten commandments
  27. bible
  28. skeletons
  29. music notes
  30. trail of blood
  31. tear gas cans
  32. ivy
  33. chains
  34. loose limbs
  35. evil eye
  36. witchcraft
  37. potions
  38. rag dolls
  39. dreads
  40. braids
  41. lots of hair
  42. cameras
  43. flashing lights
  44. tv
  45. phones
  46. radios
  47. instagram
  48. facebook
  49. twitter
  50. bonnets
  51. durags
  52. pregnant woman
  53. giving birth
  54. globe covered in dripping blood
  55. paper and pen
  56. backwards/ non- linear story line
  57. diary
  58. burning forests
  59. “NO”
  60. “HATE”
  61. bruised face
  62. spotlights
  63. roots
  64. animals
  65. marine life
  66. the levels of life
  67. hell
  68. marine life
  69. land
  70. wildfires
  71. war
  72. global warming
  73. purgatory
  74. heaven
  75. flipped tree
  76. hangings in hell
  77. roots to heaven
  78. bullets
  79. bats/clubs
  80. silver lining
  81. unity
  82. washing hand
  83. the creation of Adam
  84. weaving
  85. sewing outlines
  86. mixed race
  87. black titans
  88. chopped up bodies
  89. clan masks
  90. bird masks
  91. African mask
  92. health mask
  93. crematorium
  94. cemetery
  95. sprinklers
  96. smoke
  97. handcuffs
  98. huge watering can
  99. blood money
  100. scarves

Encoded Cloth Part 1- Marissa

The current environmental and social issues we are experiencing in 2020 make imagining the year 2030 a very interesting challenge. I can imagine both an idealistic and catastrophic future that is entirely dependent on how we respond to our current natural and social climate. In 10 years, our generation will be assuming positions of power, and we can choose to steer away from destruction.

In 2030, the effects of climate change will still be felt heavily pronounced around the world, and the impact on industrial first world countries will bring more unrest but also more collective action is dismantling the system that currently allows mega-corporations to reign unchecked. There will be more jobs in clean energy, and people will be supporting sustainable practices in farming and fishing etc. The cultural shift in opinion around climate change will come with a transition in the public away from selfish and cynical ideologies towards upholding collective, generous, and attentive values. This transition will demand people to change their habits of consumption, and there will be continued resistance.

Mass consumption of media and resources is not sustainable, but technology continues to make things faster and shorten our attention spans. There is a great amount of distractibility in the media and pop science we consume now, and that can entertain illusions about reality. We’re often so distanced and desensitized to the media we consume, and we move on to the next trending topic without much further discussion. The pandemic has derailed our lives and shaken our sense of comfort, but the shutdown has also given us a chance to finally slow down, self-reflect, and realize just how vulnerable and dependent we actually are. In 2030, I’d like to imagine that excessive and rapid consumption is no longer the accepted norm. This will not immediately fix or magically undo all of the environmental and social damage, but more people will pick their heads up and pay attention to problems they have managed/chosen to avoid.

The scariest thing I can imagine for the environment in 2030, however, is nothing. We are such a future oriented society, and usually people only think about extinction as a process that wipes out an entire species in every age group at once. But in the age of fossil fuels, extinction can happen covertly when the first days of life become simply too difficult for the youngest members of a species to survive. In 2030, there are no corpses making flashy trending headlines, just increasing handfuls of nothing. All of life has the right to renew, regenerate, and heal itself, and while the idea of absence is terrifying to me, I can only hope that the weight of it all will show people just how reliant on nature we really are.

Empty fishing net due to overfishing and bycatch
Photos from Vik Muniz’s “Wasteland” art project documentary (2011). This series highlights the catadores of Brasil who are forced to resort to picking valuable recyclable materials from garbage. It’s a call to remediate overconsumption and careless disposal in modern culture

Encoded Cloth – Part 2 – Jasmine

  1. Treasure map 
  2. X marks the spot
  3. Location map
  4. Qr codes
  5. Landmark key
  6. Manifesto
  7. Quote from leaders
  8. Home base
  9. Territorial disputes
  10. Record of historical borders
  11. Corporate logos
  12. Military strategies
  13. Wildfires
  14. Uninhabitable land
  15. Strongholds
  16. Coded message
  17. Morse code
  18. Color code
  19. Computer warfare
  20. Flooded areas
  21. Topographical land map
  22. Corporate headquarter locations
  23. Water sources
  24. Lasting strongholds of nature
  25. Migration from coasts
  26. Sources of oil spill/fracking
  27. Strands of fabric from different origins
  28. Global movement for regulations
  29. “Threads” of people coming together as a whole
  30. Electric cars
  31. Corporate police
  32. Farmland shortage
  33. Housing crisis
  34. Cave paintings
  35. Dot pattern code
  36. Superimposed morse
  37. Sustainable energy sources
  38. Sun as a god
  39. Windmills
  40. Nuclear energy
  41. Ocean wave energy converters
  42. Seawall map
  43. Lots of blue
  44. Line graphs
  45. Stock market crash
  46. Processed foods
  47. Trickle down system
  48. Surveillance
  49. Overabundance of advertisements
  50. Protests
  51. Unions
  52. Drones
  53. Monopolies
  54. Eat the rich
  55. NASA
  56. Barter system
  57. Home grown produce
  58. Second-life items
  59. Housing crisis
  60. Farm living
  61. Boat houses
  62. Bridge building
  63. Artificial islands
  64. Firefighting drones
  65. Reclaiming land
  66. Danger zones
  67. Canned air
  68. Noise pollution earphones
  69. Social media giants
  70. Walkie talkies
  71. Broadcasting systems
  72. Depleted fish populations
  73. Reviving fish populations
  74. Algae blooms
  75. Polar ice caps melting
  76. 100 year storms
  77. Matrix of the earth
  78. Robinson map
  79. Authagraph map
  80. Peirce quincincial map
  81. Relocation of states
  82. Landfill eating machines
  83. Victory gardens
  84. Rural migration
  85. Tornadoes
  86. Maker culture
  87. Plastic architecture
  88. Bio architecture
  89. Zero waste initiatives
  90. Angry youth
  91. Volunteer campaigns
  92. Educational save energy school comics
  93. Corporate jail
  94. Non profit organization growth
  95. Community collectives
  96. Urban rooftop farms
  97. Urban rooftop rainwater collection
  98. Canary in a cage
  99. No snow
  100. Small businesses

100 ideas of Encoded Clothes – Kimberly

  1. Burnt quilt with nature/greenery on it
  2. Eye covering with technology on one side and nature on the other
  3. Trashed shirt that was ethically made
  4. A design of a perfectly green planet of the past
  5. Quilt with extreme fire, water, and air weathering
  6. Zoo like quilt – extinct animals
  7. 10 years from COVID 19 – face masks??
  8. Quilt with relocation paths of people
  9. A map of earth but all unlivable parts are blacked out
  10. Even cheaper, worse quality fast fashion clothing
  11. Summer clothing from climate change
  12. Gender neutral fashion
  13. AI developed clothing
  14. 3D printed clothing
  15. Clothing that filters pollutants (masks?)
  16. Reusable bags
  17. Not plastic food wrapping
  18. Reusable bags for tupperware/glass jars
  19. Story quilt of what we miss the most
  20. Timeline patchwork of each decade so far
  21. Air particle filtering mask
  22. Patchwork of COVID face masks
  23. Clothing that people wear on Mars
  24. What people wear on the Moon
  25. Green fashion
  26. Burnt flag of corrupt countries
  27. Web of everyone connected by the internet
  28. World war plans
  29. Other planet clothes
  30. Hive mind quilt
  31. True conspiracy theories
  32. Cloth from melted plastic
  33. Clothes made from trash
  34. All ebooks
  35. Loose pages of book in a quilt
  36. Paperless money aka venmo
  37. Hologram fabric
  38. Scorched pants
  39. Fireman suit but lighter for daily wear
  40. Rain jackets that doubles as fire repellant
  41. Cheese cloths but better to make drinkable water
  42. Face masks like the ones we have now but for your entire face
  43. Space efficient reusable water bottles
  44. Skyline but some building are chipped/fallen
  45. Skyline of broken landmarks
  46. Skyline but bombings
  47. More functioning clothes
  48. Plants made of cloth
  49. Helmet that filters air
  50. Tech fabric
  51. Water resistant clothes
  52. Cracked grounds quilt
  53. Desert quilt
  54. Evolution of tech
  55. Evolution of countries
  56. Before and After COVID 19
  57. The weathering of a tree over the last 10 years
  58. Broken houses and neighborhoods
  59. Green structured architecture
  60. Recycled fabric
  61. Structures made from trash
  62. Dark city days
  63. Orange skies on fire
  64. Modern clothes being thrifted as vintage
  65. Computer that are even higher tech
  66. Built in lights better than lamps
  67. Fabric scraps woven together
  68. Plastic woven together
  69. Fashion out of plastic stuff
  70. Toxic oceans
  71. Black lakes and waters also covered in trash
  72. Melted snow caps
  73. Volcano eruptions and tsunami damage
  74. Technology controlled by eye movements
  75. Either bigger or smaller clothing depending on the weather
  76. Ever changing winds and weather
  77. Cleaner living building/neighborhoods away from the destruction
  78. The last few specifics of animals in their own sanctuary
  79. Abandoned cities and areas full of rubble and trash
  80. More and more graveyards and landfills
  81. Smoky buildings and cities
  82. Real models of solar system
  83. Buildings on other planets
  84. Better ways to travel to outer space
  85. Either a lot of people gone or overpopulation and cramped areas
  86. Current computers and phones as relics
  87. Hats that offer greater protection than style
  88. People connected through technology in their eyes & ears
  89. Neck and back braces from overuse of technology
  90. Destruction of governments and rise of people
  91. Effects of nuclear war
  92. Rising ocean levels and underwater cities
  93. Food thats evolved from our own based on climate change
  94. More processed foods to combat harsh climates
  95. Index of natural fruits and vegetables there once was
  96. My life in the last 10 years as a quilt
  97. Family trees as digital quits
  98. Random obsolete things we have now that got replaced my machines
  99. New machines that got integrated into daily life
  100. Faster travel and plans for better airplanes

100 Ideas – Annie

1– technology
2– electronics
3– electronics story telling
4– sensor integration
5– cloth that can change color based on light
6– auto camaflogue clothes
7– leds?
8– moving cloth
9– futuristic colors
10– cyberpunk
11– mask fashion
12– cyberpunk masks
13– masks integrated with other wearables
14– glasses integrated mask
15– headphone integration
16– climate disaster
17– prints with extinct animals
18– prints with endangered animals
19– texture variety – different changing biomes
20– lots of green/shades of green
21– water
22– clean water – filterable cloth
23– clothes for dry climate
24– pollution
25– plastic cloth
26– cloth from woven bags
27– cloth from repurposed plastic
28– metal cloth? from aluminum cans
29– chainmail/chain from recycled cans
30– space
31– spacesuit like outfit
32– space masks
33– conquering and exploring – looking at previous outfits and making them more space-like
34– plant replacement
35– companion plant
36– squishable succulent plant
37– companion plushies
38– like a story quilt but plant
39– wish tree – but plant
40– pockets
41– dresses with pockets
42– pants with pockets
43– more pockets everywhere
44– blankets with pockets
45– blankets that suck at insulating but are really good for heat dissipation so you can curl up in them in summer
46– story quilt for all extinct animals
47– story quilt for extinct plants
48– story quilt for extinct insects/bugs
49– cloth to represent data
50– climate change cloth
51– co2 tracking cloth
52– temp tracking cloth
53– population growth cloth
54– evolution termination cloth
55– political shenanigans cloth
56– ripped jeans but worse
57– ripped shirts
58– ripped shoes
59– ripped socks
60– ripped hats
61– ripped some other clothing
62– cosplay
63– super realistic cosplay
64– ai designer clothing
65– ai generated cloth
66– deeplearning stuff but with traditional patterns
67– deeplearning stuff to combine traditional garments
68– ai generated “human race” clothing
69– f it, combine all traditional cultural clothing that ever existed, and just see what ai comes upw with
70– meme cloth
71– meme story quilt
72– graveyard of memes
73– social media quilt
74– zuck cloth
75– crochet food
76– edible clothing
77– cloth that represents the evolution of food
78– idk man im hungry
79– ice pack beanie for headaches
80– music clothing?
81– cloth that represents music
82– cloth that captures the sync/techno music
83– ai musicians? vtube musician merch?
84– personal story cloth
85– journey into ten years
86– 10 years of introspection
87– hopes and dreams for the next 10 years
88– video game evolution
89– changing lens of the world
90– conspiracy theorists
91– spiral of madness
92– soft robotics
93– space beanstalk
94– blueprint cloth of futuristic tech
95– clean energy
96– nuclear energy
97– death of coal and oil
98– nature growing over abandoned places
99– reclaiming of nature
100– human migration/immigration due to natural disasters

Encoded Cloth from the Future (100 ideas) – Erica Fu

  1. Wildfires blazing everywhere.
  2. Rising sea levels and flooding that causes society to create many high rise buildings.
  3. Improved transportation and super fancy vehicles
  4. Green buildings everywhere
  5. Civil war in America
  6. AR/VR takes over everyone’s lives
  7. Everyone is increasingly connected online and people from different countries with different languages can communicate with ease
  8. We will have traveled to the moon again
  9. There are humans on Mars
  10. Many endangered animals are extinct
  11. Holographic/see through phones
  12. Only virtual/remote learning
  13. No more Earth
  14. Magical diapers so toilets can cease to exist
  15. Autonomous vehicles
  16. Automated job selection
  17. Automated medical care
  18. Automated design work
  19. Automated banking and loan giving
  20. Robotic pets
  21. COVID-19 vaccine
  22. Cure for cancer
  23. CMU rank 1
  24. iPhone 22
  25. All of the content we see online is controlled by Facebook
  26. Brain controlled technology
  27. Commercially sold e-textiles
  28. Everyone becomes vegan
  29. Everything is reusable or made of recycled materials
  30. Actual hoverboards
  31. No need to the leave house to live
  32. New president
  33. Asia will have even more powerful
  34. All electric cars
  35. No cars at all
  36. Underwater travel through tunnels
  37. Deep sea exploration
  38. Deep space exploration
  39. 10G
  40. Commercial manipulation of human genes
  41. Effective wireless charging
  42. Long distance wireless charging
  43. Wireless appliances
  44. Wireless technology
  45. Development of solar energy
  46. Lack of 02 on Earth
  47. No more drinkable water
  48. Flooding
  49. No trees
  50. Atomic bomb war
  51. WWIII
  52. Dumping trash into space
  53. Fixing the overfull landfills
  54. Failing to fix overfull landfills, effectively overcrowding the earth with trash
  55. Overpopulation
  56. Thanos like population control
  57. Using eye/pupil identification
  58. Must identify yourself everywhere
  59. No privacy at all
  60. Humans cease to exist
  61. Depleted fossil fuels
  62. No more drinkable water
  63. New genetically modified super animals for consumption
  64. Teleportation
  65. Flying boots
  66. No more paper for writing
  67. No more plastic straws
  68. Good replacement for plastic straws
  69. Helper robots everywhere
  70. Chips in humans for tracking
  71. Drones to deliver packages
  72. Learning by downloading into your brain
  73. Decreased languages
  74. More racial mixing
  75. Ability to control the weather
  76. Automatically hot shower water
  77. Change in the American school system
  78. No standardized testing
  79. Revival of 2010 fashion
  80. The second coming
  81. Gold will be worthless
  82. Bitcoin will take over currency
  83. Instant charging of devices
  84. Useful google glasses
  85. Smart contact lenses
  86. Booster shoes for speed
  87. Cooking with AR
  88. AR meetings and calling
  89. AR learning for elementary school students
  90. Maximum efficiency motors and engines
  91. Unlimited free wifi
  92. No more food deserts
  93. No more poverty
  94. Peace among everyone
  95. Free college tuition
  96. Invention of true black materials (reflects 0 light)
  97. No more radio
  98. Unlimited storage on devices
  99. “Anti-pc-ness” movement
  100. No more cds

Pt 1. Imagining the Future – Annie

It’s 2030 – ten years past the COVID-pandemic, and humanity has not yet done enough to slow greenhouse emissions, and therefore climate change has only gotten worse and worse. Hurricane season had come back stronger over and over, and the southeastern coast of the US is unlivable between that and the rising sea levels. Wildfire season is unmanageable. More and more animals have been going extinct in the wild, and efforts to rehabilitate rarer animals have redoubled.

Seeing this, more rational world governments have introduced harsh taxes on greenhouse gas emissions. Electric cars and clean energy become popular, gardens on balconies and rooftops are widely seen in large cities, and a large campaign to “save nature” begins, its efforts too little, too late. Blue skies become more and more rare within cities, and smog seems to be the norm. Efforts to create air filtering technology redouble.

Technology and automation have become a much larger part of people’s lives, and wearable tech has become all the rage. Google glasses have made a comeback, with more competitors. Apple’s iPhone now has 20 cameras on the back, and for some reason, people keep buying it. Self driving technology becomes more commonplace, and Uber’s and Lyft’s become more safe. Video games have evolved as well, and NerveGear becomes the next step after VR.

Automation has taken over many more dangerous jobs, and the skill levels needed for jobs has decreased due to the amount of assistance automation provides. This results in the job market being more open to people with lower levels of education, and an increasing middle class. The fast food industry will be taken over by robots. McDonald’s McFlurry machine will never break again. As much as life has been enhanced and eased by technology, human skill and labor is still valued.

Humanities attempts at going back to the moon as succeeded, and the moon colonization process has begun. Scientists have a regular base there, and people with enough money are now able to spend a few weeks for vacation on the moon. Space outfits become trendy. People are looking forward to the first humans landing on Mars.