My completed tapestry weaving resembles a water and mountain sky scene. When starting the project, I experimented with color blending which looked somewhat like water to me so continued the color scheme to create this pattern. One of my biggest challenges was when working with more than one strand of yarn at the same time for color blending, it was extremely easy to tug on the warp which distorted the vertical lines on my weaving. This concerned me in the beginning and I tried to fix it multiple times but could not. But after I removed my weaving it became less noticeable and somewhat evened itself out.

For the mountain, I tried to use rya knots to create a snow effect but when I had piled them onto one another, it became too think. To combat this, I took out those in the center and weaved it with a needle which cannot be seen since the top rya knots covered it!

For the sky, I wanted to add a pop of color but thought the yellow was too bright so I braided it with two strands of white yarn which lightened the intensity and added a unique texture when woven.

Additionally, I wanted to include clouds but wasn’t sure on what technique to use so I added them very last by sewing them with a tapestry needle.
Overall, I enjoyed trying to create a picture with the yarn but looking back, I wish I had experimented with more techniques for texture in the water and other flat areas.