Final Project Proposal – Elle

For my final project, I plan on making a dress/pinafore thing representing the lingering effects of grief. I wanted to capture botht he physical effects I have experienced, and the emotional. The above shows the emotional. It is not a traditional “mourning dress,” but the black pinafore is still there. Underneath it is a blouse made of a white fabric printed with moons and stars representing progress that I have made over time, even if it is not so obvious, clear, or colorful.

On the cuffs of the shirt, I plan on adding some subtle embroidery that represents the time that has past.

For the physical elements, I want to play around with quilting and a few other techniques to create wearable sculptures about lingering pain, that, when worn with the pinafore as an overlay, draws the dress firmly into art. One thing I plan on doing is using a black chiffon (chiffon is far too generous a term for it) and quilting it into a sort of spine.


Nov 25-27: Draw basic block and draft dress pattern

Nov 28-Dec 1: Mock up and patter finalize

Dec 2-4: Work on Spine Thing

Dec 4-8: Make Pinafore

Dec 8-10: Make Blouse and have stuff ready for pres

Dec 10-16: Finishing touches and such