Gallery Tapestry Weavings

Final Tapestry Reflection

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Visual Portfolio, Posts & Image Gallery for WordPress
Visual Portfolio, Posts & Image Gallery for WordPress
Visual Portfolio, Posts & Image Gallery for WordPress

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For this project, after sampling many different types of weaves using different colors and I was thinking of creating a weave that symbolized more of nature, more of what is a part of me. I usually create projects that represent who I am, that everything is related to nature, and that the weave is made from my hand work and symbolizes nature. I wanted to start with the ocean, and then diamond blocks that all connected with each other. I had a picture in my head of these individual weaved blocks and connecting them altogether like a spider web (as you would see in nature), and alongside that the green scenery of grass, trees, and real life objects. What ended up occurring is I had first created a solid ocean, then a jungle and then the trees. With certain unique elements throughout the piece such as an opening circle. I really like to have the solidified yarn weaves connect with each other, however it seemed to have been a bit more soft and thus I tried to strengthen parts of the weavings with strong tangled yarn pieces.

What worked well

The opening circle hill turned out very beautiful, with the two different opposing colors really seemed . Also, I think the tangled green pieces popping up really brought weight and liveliness to the entire piece overall, as though it was an actual jungle, similarly with the waves of yarn popping out (the red-orange-ish colors). I think my creation of the tree and mushrooms also look very much real and stays true to what I am trying to show in nature.

What I would improve or change

What I would improve is to have weaved more solidified backgrounds for the pieces such as the tree and mushroom. I would also have changed instead of having more waves 3D popping out, but to play more with solid weaves and then attach 3D objects out from it (such as cotton for clouds, and leaves). I would want to have better control on the

What I learned through this project and for future projects

I learned that the image I had in my head might not always come out to life, but that I can always continue with my creativity and piece it together in the end. I should not be afraid of trying many different techniques and to continuously be a growing learner and research techniques. For future projects, I will definitely try to sample as many techniques as I could in the beginning and also create pieces as I am working on it instead of having a whole image in the back of my head.

Five Directions 

  1. I would create separate blocks of weaves with different colors. A bit like having separate pieces.
  2. I would use more needling so stabilize the pieces that were more stand-alone (ie. mushroom).
  3. I would tighten up the parts that were more 3D so they were not as messy.
  4. I would braid pieces of yarn to connect together the wrapping jungle-like weaves.
  5. I would make more hollow shapes similar to the open circle, such as a wave of the ocean, and with a stronger weaving technique as well.