Z-Suite: Slice & Save

Prepare to Print

Prepare to Print: Slicing

Within your Print Settings window, selecting the PREPARE TO PRINT Button will begin preparing your 3D Model for 3D Printing. This process is commonly called ‘slicing’. During which your model is ‘sliced’ every ‘x‘ amount of (inches or millimeters). *Where ‘x‘ = Layer Thickness. This process, determines how support and model material are printed on each layer.

The final on-screen result will provide a print-preview, where model material print zones are indicated in blue, and support structures detailed in white. Additionally, the bottom-most panel in Z-Suite, will provide you with details such as: *Material Profile, *Layer Thickness, *Infill, *Support, Estimated Print Time and Filament Usage.

*These settings are detailed in Z-Suite: Print Settings


Inspection *Optional
Z-Suite provides an option to insert PAUSES in your print file. This option is not currently supported with IDeATe (Zortrax) M200’s. However, you can use this option to inspect how your part will print on a layer-by-layer basis. Find and select the PAUSE button from your left menu.
After selecting the PAUSE button, a PAUSE menu will expand from the left. Near the top of the menu, an adjustable bar (indicating print progress) allows you to scroll through the print; from layer #1 (0%) to the final, top-most layer (100%). Although this is not a required step, it is interesting nonetheless. Find and select the REMOVE ALL button, then collapse/exit the menu by re-selecting the PAUSE button.

Cost Calculator

Cost Calculator *Optional
*Z-Suite provides an option for Cost Calculation. Find and select the CALCULATOR button from the left-hand menu.

After selecting the CALCULATOR button, a CALCULATOR menu will expand from the left. One value should be adjusted, before receiving a proper cost estimation:

**PRINTING MATERIAL: This value represents the total cost of a single spool. For IDeATe (Zortrax) M200 Printers, this value should be set to ’80’.

**Find and select the CALCULATE button to update the TOTAL COST OF PRINT value. This represents the total cost of the print job. In IDeATe, this averages around $0.10/gram of material used.

Find and re-select the CALCULATOR button to exit this menu.

Important Notes:

* As of JAN-17-2017, 3D Printing in IDeATe Print Lab (A5b), on Zortrax M200‘s is provided FREE OF CHARGE.

** Material pricing is based on Purchase Price, Shipping Costs, and average successful vs. failed 3D Print jobs. *You are not charged for failed print jobs.


Save to Print
When you’re ready to print, find and select the SAVE TO PRINT button from the bottom-left of Z-Suite. The (Zortrax) M200 is NOT directly connected to the computer. You will have to save your print file (File format: .zcode) to a memory card. Memory Cards are available for borrowing in IDeATe Lending (A29).
Browse to a file/folder location, and save your file. Once the file is saved to a memory card, eject the card from the computer and transition to the M200 Equipment.