NVBot: NVCloud Interface



The DASHBOARD provides quick details on your current 3D Printer & Group. From this tab, you can view:

Printer Name & Status header: IDeATe has (2) NVPro Printers, named ‘NVBOTS 01 – CMU‘ & ‘NVBOTS 02 – CMU‘. This is relevant when retrieving your print from the printer. Print status’ can range from Error, Maintenance, or Printing.

Current Print Job is the file that is currently printing.

Queue Preview lists the next file in-line for printing.

Live Feed provides a camera feed for the current print job.

Filament details include the color & type of material being printed.

Printer Temperature & Ambient Conditions indicate temperature and humidity values, local to the equipment.


When hovering over the PROFILE tab, located in the top-right corner of the browser window, a drop-down menu will appear with additional options. Each option is described below, with the exception of LOGOUT.
Change Group

Selecting the CHANGE GROUP option, allows you to switch between any groups you’ve been invited to. Selecting and printing to the right group, may determine whether the print is billed to the course, or the student. There are (2) types of groups:

a) Course groups are created for each IDeATe Course that uses the NVPro Printer. Any course related printing should be submitted from the affiliated course group. Initially, you will receive an invite to join at least (2) course groups. The group title will reflect your course name, followed by a numeric label ’01’  or ’02’. Group titles ending in ’01’ provide access to NVBOTS – 01. Group titles ending in ’02’ provide access to NVBOTS – 02.

b) Two universal groups, QUEUE 01 & QUEUE 02, provide continued access to the NVPro printing equipment after your IDeATe course ends. These groups can also be used for personal or other non-IDeATe course related projects.

Selecting the PROFILE option, allows you to modify personal profile settings such as password, first & last name. Within this area, you can also view/access your printing history. This will be helpful in retrieving/viewing time-lapse videos of your print jobs.
Within the NOTIFICATIONS option, you can adjust your personal notification settings. All of which are self explanatory, but helpful nonetheless.
User Management
The USER MANAGEMENT option, will provide you with a listing of all the existing groups & users for the NVPro printers. This area is primarily for Administrative purposes.


Selecting the UPLOAD tab, will allow you to upload a Stereo-Lithography [.stl] file into the NVCloud interface. After upload, you can begin preparing the print settings.



After you’ve uploaded a file, modified the print settings, and submitted the file for printing- the file is placed in the approval queue. When selecting the APPROVE tab, you can browse/view a list of 3D Print submissions that are awaiting approval. From this area, you can also select your print file, and review relevant information pertaining to the print job. (e.g. Estimated Filament usage for calculating price) If you find an error or mistake in the print job info, you can also cancel your print job from the APPROVE tab.

Approving print jobs is coordinated by IDeATe Technical Staff. You will receive an email notification when your print job is approved; unless this notification option is disabled from your personal notification options. *Find NOTIFICATION information under the PROFILE tab.


Once your print job is approved, you can view its order in the print queue from the QUEUE tab. *Unless notification options are disabled, email notifications are sent when your file begins and completes. Other automated notifications are sent if there are printing errors or if the print job is cancelled. *Find NOTIFICATION information under the PROFILE tab.


Within the LIBRARY, you’ll find several prepared files that are open source and ready to print. The print jobs are ready for printing, but they are charged to your student account.


Selecting the HISTORY tab will provide your printing history. This is helpful when retrieving/accessing timelapse videos of your print jobs. This is also helpful in retrieving information on print job status’. (e.g. Not Approved, Skipped, Success, Failure etc.)

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