Assignment 3: Inflatable Adaptation: Roberto & Patrick

In this project we learned what it meant to create something in a large scale. We made CAD files of the animals from the last assignment so we thought scaling would be a no-brainer. We laser cut the parts and found that everything did not scale perfectly. We modified sizes in the previous assignment but because the of the smaller sizes they were more forgiving. Because of that, we had to cut out multiple iterations to make everything fit perfectly. Another issue was having corners line up. There were points where multiple intersections were found and so it was hard to actually match them up correctly. This could possibly be fixed with better planning but at this point in time we were doing the best we knew how to do. If we could continue, we would like to put more texture on the sides of the animal. It is very huge and most of the surface area is one big piece so something with more color could be more interesting and profound.