LO: My Inspiration

Topic: Some Technological Art or Design that has Inspired You

Waterlight Graffiti, a creation by Antonin Fourneau co-produced from 2012 to 2017.

The Water Light Graffiti Wall (2012) is an interactive public art designed by Antonin Fourneau, installed in Paris. The project creates an immersive environment of visuals, using water to interact on a giant light wall. I love how people can use their hands, objects like wet brushes, or even with the weather (like evaporation) to activate and trigger the light wall that consisted of thousands of LEDs, creating their imagination into life. I find this very intriguing because the wetter it is, the brighter the light became, and it just opened up a new dynamic space for people of all ages (whether young or old) to play around with and have control over their creativity. Although this installation unfortunately only lasted for three days, I think this art work was highly successful as it delivered a heart-warming message by Fourneau, who wanted this wall to become a “long-lasting material” for public graffiti and serve as a “wall for ephemeral messages without damaging buildings or public spaces.” Fourneau created an opportunity for technology (perhaps, like machine learning) to step in a natural element and made it interactive with a basic environment-friendly atomizer. Fourneau not only inspired, but provoked curiosity and creativity in many, which I believe that’s all what matters in terms of success. I believe the coexistence of technology and human aspect creates a truly powerful element in art.

Reference: http://www.waterlightgraffiti.com/about-wlg/

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