LO 4: Sound Art

Forty-Part Motet (2001)

For this week’s Looking Outwards, I chose Janet Cardiff and George Bures Miller’s Forty-Part Motet Sound Installation.

The British-Columbia based Artists created this Installation by having the Salisbury Cathedral Choir sing Thomas Tallis’ 1573 “Spem in Alium.” With the recordings in place, 40 Speakers were set up in groups of 5 and separated by Musical Group.

By moving between the Speakers and within the area, a person is about change their perception of the Track – feeling and hearing it dynamically morph.
I admire the Work’s simplicity and ease of access.

The Artists just used Speakers to create their Sound Art, relying on already utilized Algorithms to make this.

Furthermore, the music they chose to record and convey through the Speakers is beautiful.

Finally, the Artists were right in saying that the Installation evokes a spiritual/emotional aspect. This aspect is shown through the Music itself and no doubt it is much more pronounced in person.

Here is their website, this specific work, the video, works, and their about section.

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