LO 09: A Focus on Women and Non-binary Practitioners in Computational Art

An interactive installation, Computer Orchestra, was first composed by Fragment.in, which is a Switzerland-based artist collective of Laura Nieder, David Colombini, and Marc Dubois. This crowdsourcing platform enables the audience to participate and lead their own orchestra by either uploading their own or downloading music samples to incorporate into the arrangement with the computers. People can simply use their hand gestures to direct and conduct the orchestra. I was really fascinated by how the Kinect motion controller detects the body movements of the conductor and transfers information to Processing through SimpleOpenNI library, where these signals are delivered to the remaining computers with the help of wifi. I think this style of generating art is really creative as it uses each assigned samples to further create an aesthetic visual feedback obtained from the generated sounds. I absolutely admire how this project enriches the experience of the user in both auditory and visual manners. Fragment.in’s artistic sensibilities significantly arises for offering the sense to the audience of being able to take control of the digital technology within one’s hands.

Reference: https://computer-orchestra.com/

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