Assignment 5: Treat for a Trick (Currently Fixing)

As shown through the prototype, this project is designed to simulate a common horror movie scene, where the background music plays faster with higher pitch as a character approaches closer to a subject.

Likewise, in this project, the user will be hearing a shrill sound that plays faster as he/she reaches his/her hand closer to a candy (I changed my  initial music choice from harmonic minor scale to a violin screech sound effect).

(picture of the final product)

(picture of the final product close-up)

(picture of interaction)

For the final product, I decided to use an ultrasonic distance sensor instead of an IR distance sensor, since the sensing range was broader, which thus, allows a smoother interaction. For the speaker, I decided to use a larger, 8 ohm 2 watt, audio speakers through an addition of audio amplifiers.

In order to enhance the spook-factor, I decided to add an output vibrator attached to the target treat, where it would start vibrating when the distance sensor reads the user’s location to be close enough to the treat.

Documentation in Google Drive (Video X /Fritz X /Photos X /Code X):

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