In today’s class, we continued our discussion on the most common Editing, Analysis, and 2D Modeling Commands. It’s helpful for you to begin understanding decimal conversions for Standard and Metric measurements. As an additional resource, here are the commands that we went over during class.
02, Monday
In today’s class, we provided instructions on how to log into the Macbook Laptops. We continued by introducing the Rhinoceros 3D Modeling Interface, and ended by introducing the most common Editing, Analysis, and 2D Modeling Commands. It’s helpful for you to begin understanding decimal conversions for Standard and Metric measurements.
01, Wednesday
In today’s class, we reviewed the Syllabus and introduced the IDeATe Facilities & Resources. If you missed class, you should schedule a 30 minute meeting with me to review.
Provide a physical item that demonstrates your ability to 3D Model, prepare the model in a secondary 3D printing application, and 3D Print.
- Prepare a 3D File in Rhinoceros 3D
- Geometry should be Closed, Solid Polysurface
- 3D print should be no less than (33) cubic cm (2 cu. in.)
- Successfully export 3D Model as a valid-mesh, stereo-lithography file [.stl]
- Successfully prepare 3D Print in NVBot Cloud -or- Zortrax Z-Suite
- Submit documentation of your work (Rhino File; [.stl]; & images)
*READ ME* The following is a suggested project. You are NOT required to follow these guidelines. You may create your own original project if you prefer:
Using Rhinoceros 3D, create a 3D Model that exhibits porous qualities (i.e. sponge, moonrock, mesh, see Google image results). Successfully export geometry as [.stl] file-type and prepare in NVBot Cloud Interface or Zortrax Z-Suite. Send to printer.
- *Zortrax M200 3D Printer & Z-Suite
- *NVBot 3D Printer & NVBot Cloud Interface
- Virtual Cluster Macbooks [optional]
- Rhinoceros 3D
* You have the option of using the Zortrax M200 -or- the NVBot for 3D Printing your models. You do NOT have to use both.
- Zortrax M200: ABS Plastic, spool
- NVBot: PLA Plastic, spool
Course Information
Course: Digital Tooling [DigiTool]
Course #: 62-478
Course Time: 12:30pm – 1:50pm
Days: Monday, Wednesday
Instructor: P. Zach Ali
Location: IDeATe@Hunt Library, Fabrication Lab [A5]
Provide an applied overview on various methods of Fabrication within the Digital Realm. Create a fundamental understanding of available fabrication technologies and techniques. Expand on safety and efficiency of relative workflows.
Students enrolled in this course will:
1. Utilize Computer Aided Drafting & Design (CAD) Software Environments (Rhinoceros3D) to develop 2D and 3D Geometry
2. Successfully prepare CAD Files for Computer Aided Machining (CAM) Application Environments
3. Develop advanced understanding of safe and efficient work methods
Topics covered in class:
1. [CADD Environment] Fundamental Commands + Operation, Technique, 2D Curve + Line Geometry, 3D Surface + Solid Geometry
2. [Laser Processing] File Preparation/Development for Laser Cutting and Engraving; Safe and Efficient Work Methods for CO2 Laser Equipment
3. [3D Printing] File Preparation/Development for 3D Printing, successful production, and various work methods on varying 3D Printing Technologies (FDM, SLA)
4. [CNC Routing/Milling] File Preparation/Development for Computer Numeric Controlled (CNC) Milling Equipment; Safe and Efficient Work Methods for 3-Axis Equipment; Post Processing Techniques
Work Method
The Course begins by introducing all Users to the Facility and various work-flows.
Digital Fabrication relies on Digital Development- within the second week, students begin to work in a CAD Environment. From this stage, we transition into development of 2D Geometry, and use this information to prepare files for Laser Cutting /Engraving.
Moving forward, we introduce 3D Geometry creation, development & editing. This information not only influences proper modeling techniques, but also applies to 3D Printing. 3D Printing processing environments are discussed, and Users will 3D Print various forms using (3) different 3D Printers.
With continued 3D Modeling Experience within a CAD Environment, we begin to cover Computer Aided Machining Environments. Specifically, File Preparation Techniques for successful Processing on a 3-Axis CNC Router.
Equipment training will cover Policy, Procedure, and Safety. All Users will be expected to exhibit proper Equipment Utilization under Supervision before they are approved for continued access.
Course Instruction follows a specific outline to maximize Student progress. All topics are Introduced, Discussed, Assigned, Assisted, then Reviewed. During Introduction Phases, specific and similar processes and technologies are introduced. Discussion begins to elaborate on the specific process and technology relative to the IDeATe Facilities and capabilities. Discussion includes Policy, Procedure, and Safety Instructions. After Discussion, a small Project is Assigned. Between the Assignment Date and Checkpoint Date, the Student may schedule one-on-one Assistance with the Instructor, on an as needed basis. We end our training with the Review Phase, during which, the Instructor reviews the Project in entirety, and offers solutions, comments, or advice to improve technique for future use.
[Attendance] Attendance and on-time arrival is critical, and also accounts for 28.5% of your Grade.
[Distractions] User of Cell Phones, pagers, and all other communication devices is prohibited during class time.
[Assignments] All assignments are due by the end of the course. Assignments are not solely graded on successful, final products. Instead, they are graded on your ability to process and incorporate class-time instruction. Your ‘Understanding’ of Course Content is essential for success within any Field.
[Holidays/Sickness/Emergencies] Please notify me as soon as possible, if you are going to miss a class due to Religious Holiday, Sickness, or Emergency. I require a Doctor’s Excuse for Sick Days. I will provide assistance with missed instruction dates to any Student whom has notified me in timely manner. I do not recognize Field Trips as acceptable excuses.
[Disabilities] Students with disabilities should contact me immediately to privately discuss academic accommodations. Please be prepared to provide the University Accommodation Letter.
[Expenses] Previously, IDeATe Courses charged a Course Fee. The Course Fee Policy/Structure, has been eliminated. Students will not be charged for taking this course. There are, however, Consumable Charges that are affiliated with Course Projects. This course, involves (2) Projects, and the estimated costs for these projects will range between $34.00-$48.00.
[Policy] The Equipment within the IDeATe Facilities features unique Policy per specific Process. It is important that all Users follow Equipment specific Policy and Procedure at ALL TIMES. Encouraging this culture is essential within this environment.
Evaluation & Grading
30% [Attendance & Participation] : Attendance to Class Sessions, and Open Lab Days. Demonstrates a will to learn the process.
47% [Laser Processing] : Demonstrate a full understanding of the Process, from Concept to Operation.
i. File Preparation : 2D Lines & Curves, Common Commands, File Setup in Rhinoceros 3D.
ii. Understanding : File Transfer, Preparation, and Submission through LaserCut.
iii. Operation : Equipment Operation, Policy, Safety, and Procedural Requirements.
iv. Documentation : Documenting the Success or Failure of the Project.
**Your second project may utilize the 3D Printer or the CNC Router. Both are NOT required! **
23% [3D Printing] :Demonstrate a full understanding of 3D Printing Processes.
i. File Preparation : Working with Curves to create Surfaces, Surfaces to Create Solids, and Mesh Verification in Rhinoceros 3D.
ii. Understanding : File Transfer, Processing in secondary application, Printing.
iii. Documentation : Documenting the Success or Failure of the Project.
23% [CNC Routing] : *Optional – Class time attendance is not required. Project is not required. Participation in training will accrue bonus points.
i. File Preparation : Creating/Using correct geometry for CNC Routing purposes.
ii. Understanding : When to use 2-Axis vs. 3-Axis Operations, Programming Machining Operations, Post Processing, Tool Libraries, Operation of Equipment.
iii. Documentation : Documenting the success or failure of the project.
Please follow these instruction to submit your projects:
*Bonus Points for IDeATe Gallery Submissions!
1. Gather & relabel any relevant files.
i. Submit these files:
a. Project 1
a.i. Drawing Exchange File [.dxf]
a.ii. (5) Semi-Professional Photographs of your project
b. Project 2
b.i. Stereo-lithography File [.stl]
b.ii. (5) Semi-Professional Photographs of your project
ii. File names should be labeled as: andrewID-equipment-xx
a. andrewID = Your Andrew ID
b. equipment = Equipment used to complete the project (e.g. laser; 3Dprinter; cncrouter)
c. xx = Wildcard, use for photos. (e.g. 01, 02, 03, 04, 05 etc.)
2. Place your files in a folder. The folder title should be your Andrew ID.
3. Login to your CMU Box Account
4. From the Box web interface, upload your FOLDER (not your files)
i. Select the UPLOAD drop-down button near the top-right
ii. Select the FOLDER option
iii. Browse to your folder location and upload to BOX
5. Share your folder with me
i. While hovering over your folder, select the SHARE button, then INVITE COLLABORATORS
ii. From the Invitation window, input my email address in the INVITE field
iii. The PERMISSIONS & MESSAGE field are irrelevant. Adjust as you please.
iv. Select the SEND INVITES button
6. That’s all!
1. Gather & relabel any relevant files.
i. Submit these files:
a. Project 1
a.i. Drawing Exchange File [.dxf]
a.ii. (5) Semi-Professional Photographs of your project
b. Project 2
b.i. Stereo-lithography File [.stl]
b.ii. (5) Semi-Professional Photographs of your project
ii. File names should be labeled as: andrewID-equipment-xx
a. andrewID = Your Andrew ID
b. equipment = Equipment used to complete the project (e.g. laser; 3Dprinter; cncrouter)
c. xx = Wildcard, use for photos. (e.g. 01, 02, 03, 04, 05 etc.)
2. Place your files in a folder. The folder title should be your Andrew ID.
3. Login to your Google Drive Account
4. From the My Drive dropdown menu, upload your FOLDER (not your files)
i. Select UPLOAD FOLDER option from the MY DRIVE dropdown menu
5. Share your folder with me
i. Right-click on the folder you’d like to share, select the SHARE option
ii. From the Invitation window, input my email address in the People field
iii. The PERMISSIONS & MESSAGE field are irrelevant. Adjust as you please.
iv. Select the DONE button
6. That’s all!
UPLOAD YOUR FILES TO the ideate gallery:
1. Prepare your files for upload:
i. Submit these files:
a. Project 1
a.i. Drawing Exchange File [.dxf]
a.ii. (5) Semi-Professional Photographs of your project
b. Project 2
b.i. Stereo-lithography File [.stl]
b.ii. (5) Semi-Professional Photographs of your project
ii. File names should be labeled as: andrewID-equipment-xx
a. andrewID = Your Andrew ID
b. equipment = Equipment used to complete the project (e.g. laser; 3Dprinter; cncrouter)
c. xx = Wildcard, use for photos. (e.g. 01, 02, 03, 04, 05 etc.)
2. Browse to the IDeATe Gallery & sign up for an account:
i. Find the ‘Sign In’ button, near the top right of your Screen.
a. Select the ‘Sign Up’ button near the bottom of the web form.
b. Provide your Information on the following screens. Be sure to use your Andrew ID as your Username, so I can find your work.
c. Complete the sign-up process by activating your account via email.
3. Log in to the Gallery and Create a New Project.
i. Follow the steps to create a new project, filling out any information you can.
a. Initially, you will only be able to upload images for the project.
ii. After completing the steps to create the project, you will be directed to the Project Home screen. Find and select the ‘EDIT/UPDATE DOCUMENTATION’ Button.
a. Upload any remaining relevant files (.jpeg, .dxf, .3dm, .eps)
Your done!
Feeds & Speeds
1. SAFETY: Make note of the nearest fire extinguisher.
2. POWER-ON: The Rabbit Laser’s rotary Power Switch (w/ key) should be switched to ON position. Leave this switch in the ON Position unless notified otherwise. If the Equipment Control Panel does not light-up, ensure the red Emergency Stop button is not activated. Twist the E-Stop to make sure it’s released.
3. HOME: Find and press the X-Y 0 Button. The lens assembly will travel to the top-right corner of the Laser bed.
4. PREP: During the HOME procedure, prepare your file in LaserCut. Download the file to the Laser Equipment.
5. MATERIAL PREPARATION: If necessary, remove protective layer from the top-side. If your material has a minimal ‘bow’ or ‘warp’, use Painters or Masking Tape to secure it to the Table as best as possible. *As indicated in Policy, do not attempt to laser excessively warped, non-planar materials.
6. MATERIAL PLACEMENT: Open the lid, make sure to minimize heavy collisions with the Laser Lens Assembly, and Vector Table. Place your material on the table. Make sure your Material is square with the table. *Recommendation: Laser power diminishes toward the front and right side of the table. Laser power is more reliable toward the rear and left side of the table.
7. MOVE XY: PRESS and HOLD the X & Y arrow keys to guide the Laser Lens assembly to ANY location above your material. IF the arrow keys do not work, find and press the ESC key, and retry.
8. MOVE Z-AXIS: From the Equipment Control Panel, lower the Vector Table by pressing and holding the ‘Z-Down‘ Arrow Button, located immediately above the ‘Z-0‘ Button.
9. SET Z-HEIGHT: Find and select the ‘Z0‘ button from the Control Panel. The equipment will adjust the table to the correct Z-Height after touching the top of your material.
10. TEST: Press the TEST button to have the laser outline the area it will cut. If the lens assembly travels off your material, adjust your home position with the X & Y arrow buttons (or just move and re-square the material by hand) and TEST again.
11. SWITCHES: Make sure all (3) Push Buttons, along the top of the Control Panel, are depressed.
3.1 The red ‘Lighting’ Button controls internal Equipment Light.
3.2 The green ‘Laser Power’ Button controls power to the Laser Tube.
3.3 The green ‘Socket Switch’ button controls power to the Water Chiller, Air Pump, Filtration System and Fan Booster.
12. START: Close the lid slowly. Find and Press the green ‘Start‘ Button, to begin your Job.
X. PAUSE: Press the green ‘Start‘ Button to Pause your Job. Make sure the lid is closed, and press the green ‘Start‘ Button again, to resume your Job.
X. STOP: Press the red ‘Stop‘ Button to Abort the Job entirely. The Laser Lens assembly will return to its original starting location.
X. EMERGENCY STOP: Find the red ‘Emergency Stop‘ Button, and press it DOWNWARD. Complete any necessary Emergency Procedures required.
13. COMPLETION: When the equipment beeps, your file is complete. Leave the Equipment Lid closed for 15 seconds to allow proper extraction of hazardous fumes. Before removing your material, make sure your parts have been cut through completely. Remove your parts and pieces. Vacuum small debris from the table and Equipment. Place un-usable scrap in the TRASH; place usable scraps in scrap storage.
14. POWER-OFF: Turn OFF the (3) Push Buttons located above the Control Panel. Leave the Rotary Power Switch (w/ key) in the ON position.
1. ACCESSIBILITY: Students are approved to use equipment, after attending an IDeATe Certified Course and/or Training Session. Approved Users must abide by Reservation, Facility & Equipment Policy and Procedure to ensure a safe, and successful working environment.
2. SAFETY: Improper Equipment use, posing a threat to the User, or others; will be grounds for Equipment and/or Facility Suspension. Users must remain AWAKE and ATTENTIVE in Laser Lab during Equipment Use and Reservation Time. Make sure you are aware of the nearest Fire Extinguisher Location.
3. PROCEDURE: The Laser Equipment involves several Procedural Steps that should be completed before, and after all operations. Equipment damages, due to improper completion or in-completion of indicated Equipment Procedure; will result in a Fine, and Suspension from the Facilities.
4. MAINTENANCE: You are required to clean up any leftover tape, dust, debris and scrap left in the Laser Lab. Plan on 5-10 minutes to complete all clean-up tasks at the end of each job. If the room and/or equipment is not sufficiently cleaned, the User is subject to a Cleaning Fee.
5. FASTENING: Material that does not sit PLANAR/LEVEL within the Laser Equipment, due to non-planar surfaces, warping or bowing; will be removed from the Work-Area and disallowed from Laser Output. Common problematic materials typically include Plywood: CDX Grade, Low Grade Birch, OSB, Carboard, Chipboard etc. Materials that have minimal warping, that can be corrected with Masking Tape- are allowable. All other Fastening Methods are considered unacceptable: Duct-Tape, Double-Sided Tape etc.
6. MATERIALS: Certain Materials cannot be processed on the Laser Equipment. These materials include; but are not limited to: Glass Mirrors (see Staff for mirrored Acrylics), Metals, Lexan Plastics, Foam Core, P.E.T.G., Styrene, PVC or PVC Based materials (Any materials containing Chlorine). Fabric Materials MUST be cut to size before Laser Cutting. (Max = 47″x35″) Materials greater than or equal to 3/8″ (9.5mm) in thickness are unacceptable. If you have a question about any material that you would like to cut, please ASK!