Looking Outward -09

Final Sculpture

A particular artist that inspires me is Eva Schindling. Schindling is a master in digital art, creating hardware and software solutions within the fields of art and technology, reaching far past the typical staticness of graphic design. She studied Art and Technology gaining masters from Chalmers University as well as a degree in Interaction and Media Design from FH Joanneum. She currently works in Montreal and has seemingly studied all around the world. Broadly speaking, she’s very interested in the dynamics of non-linear processes with her work ranging from robotics, art, and sculpture, creating complex algorithms that drive her projects. One project I found particularly inspiring was her project called “Liquid Sound Collision”. This project is a sculpture she made with a very unique modeling process after which she 3D printed the structure in an ABS plastic. Using a 2D fluid to create data sets that she interacts with sound files. The amplitude information of the sound files affects the velocity field of the fluid and as sounds move toward the center of that field Schindling manually chose moments before they collide, storing the velocity field data at that point. The values of the velocity field are then “mapped to a height value to create a 3-dimensional landscape.” This is then wrapped around a cylindrical form to create the final sculptures displayed. I admire the extensive processes she takes in order to create her artwork, using deep analysis to create form. This type of work allows for a really complex piece of work with a strong underlying context that grounds her project.

Link: http://www.evsc.net/home/liquid-sound-collision

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