Landscape: Tulip Fields

I worked too hard on this project. I ended up drawing all of the images in my code on procreate, so I do not have many sketches except for some resizing issues.

Math on Bottom side
Trying to figure out tulip configuration

The code was easier to figure out than I thought, but because I decided to use so many elements it got repetitive fast, there are a few things I could have tried i think in ways of getting my stuff to show up more randomly, but because of the way I wrote my code I found that setting that up farther would have not been worth the time for the effect.

Drawing took a few days, but I really like my images.

a cat
very many tulips(color added with code)

Some of the math I had to do really made me think and I can’t quite decide if using images made this take longer or shorter to code.


var szex = 550; // x size for some images
var szey = 365; //y size for some images
var szex2 = 367.2; //x size for smaller img
var szey2 = 240; //y size for smaller img
var tulip = [];
var offset = 0;
var skys = [];
var mountains = [];
var airballoons = [];
var trees = [];
var windmillBottoms = [];
var birds = [];
var electric = [];
var bunnys = [];
var fullWind = [];
var treeLines = [];
var cats = [];

function preload() {
    flowerImg = loadImage("");
    tree1Img = loadImage("");
    mountainsImg = loadImage("");
    birdImg = loadImage("");
    windmillBottomImg = loadImage("");
    electricWindmillImg = loadImage("");
    airballoonImg = loadImage("");
    bunnyImg = loadImage("");
    fullWindmillImg = loadImage("");
    treeLineImg = loadImage("");
    catImg = loadImage("");
    skyImg = loadImage("");

function tulips(tx) {
    var p = {x: tx, 
        right: tulipsRight,
        display: tulipsDisplay};
    return p;

function tulipsRight() {
    return this.x + 900;

function tulipsDisplay(tx) {
    flower2Img.resize(flower2Img.width - 100, flower2Img.height);
   image(flower2Img, this.x, 190, 900, 105);//left

function bird(bx) {
    var b = {x: bx, 
        right: birdRight,
        display: birdDisplay};
    return b;

function birdRight() {
    return this.x + szex2 + width * 9;

function birdDisplay(tx) {
   image(birdImg, this.x + 200, 0, 165.4, 100); //move faster across the screen

function airballoon(ax) {
    var a = {x: ax, 
        right: airballoonRight,
        display: airballoonDisplay};
    return a;

function airballoonRight() {
    return this.x + szex2 + width * 1.5;

function airballoonDisplay(tx) {
   image(airballoonImg, this.x, 110, szex2, szey2);

function sky(sx) {
    var s = {x: sx, 
        right: skyRight,
        display: skyDisplay};
    return s;

function skyRight() {
    return this.x + 500;

function skyDisplay(tx) {
   image(skyImg, this.x, 0, 500, 300);

function mountain(mx) {
    var  m = {x: mx, 
        right: mountainRight,
        display: mountainDisplay};
    return m;

function mountainRight() {
    return this.x + 827 + width * 5;

function mountainDisplay(tx) {
   image(mountainsImg, this.x - 20, -85, 827, 500);

function tree(tx) {
    var  t = {x: tx, 
        right: treeRight,
        display: treeDisplay};
    return t;

function treeRight() {
    return this.x + szex + width * 1.5;

function treeDisplay(tx) {
   image(tree1Img, this.x, 20, szex, szey);

function treeLine(tx) {
    var  t = {x: tx, 
        right: treeLineRight,
        display: treeLineDisplay};
    return t;

function treeLineRight() {
    return this.x + szex + width * 1.7;

function treeLineDisplay(tx) {
   image(treeLineImg, thisx, 25, szex, szey); //with mountains or without

function windmillBottom(wx) {
    var  w = {x: wx, 
        right: windmillBottomRight,
        display: windmillBottomDisplay};
    return w;

function windmillBottomRight() {
    return this.x + szex2 + width * 2.2;

function windmillBottomDisplay(tx) {
   image(windmillBottomImg, this.x + 150, 87, szex2, szey2);//dont show with mountain

function windmill(wx) {
    var  w = {x: wx, 
        right: windmillRight,
        display: windmillDisplay};
    return w;

function windmillRight() {
    return this.x + 248 + width * 3.2;

function windmillDisplay(tx) {
   image(fullwindmillImg, this.x + 20, 100, 248, 150);

function electricwindmill(wx) {
    var  w = {x: wx, 
        right: electricwindmillRight,
        display: electricwindmillDisplay};
    return w;

function electricwindmillRight() {
    return this.x + szex + width * 10.2;

function electricwindmillDisplay(tx) {
   image(electricWindmillImg, this.x , 5, szex, szey); //dont show with other windmills

function bunny(bx) {
    var  b = {x: bx, 
        right: bunnyRight,
        display: bunnyDisplay};
    return b;

function bunnyRight() {
    return this.x + szex2 + width * 7.3;

function bunnyDisplay(tx) {
   image(bunnyImg, this.x, 130, szex2, szey2);

function cat(cx) {
    var  c = {x: cx, 
        right: catRight,
        display: catDisplay};
    return c;

function catRight() {
    return this.x + width * 5.5;

function catDisplay(tx) {
   image(catImg, this.x + 200, 160, 206.75, 125);

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 280);
    var sk = sky(1);
    var tul = tulips(1);
    var ar = airballoon(1);
    var mount = mountain(1);
    var bunn = bunny(1);
    var kitten = cat(1);
    var bid = bird(1);
    var tr = tree(1);
    var tre = treeLine(1);
    var wmb = windmillBottom(1);
    var fw = windmill(1);
    var ew = electricwindmill(1);

function draw() {
    for (var i = 0; i < skys.length; i++) {
        var s = skys[i];
        image(skyImg, s.x - offset, 0, 500, 400);//left
    // clean up statement
    if (skys.length > 0 & skys[0].right() < offset) {
    // make a new sky
    var lastSky = skys[skys.length-1];
    if (lastSky.right() - offset < width) {
        var s = sky(lastSky.right()); 

     for (var i = 0; i < mountains.length; i++) {
        var m = mountains[i];
        image(mountainsImg, m.x - offset, -78, 827, 500);
    // make a new mountain
    var lastMountain = mountains[mountains.length-1];
    if (lastMountain.right() - offset < width) {
        var m = mountain(lastMountain.right()); 

for (var i = 0; i < trees.length; i++) {
        var tr = trees[i];
        image(tree1Img, tr.x - offset, 23, szex, szey);
    // clean up statement
    if (trees.length > 0 & trees[0].right() < offset) {
    // make a new tree 
    var lastTree = trees[trees.length-1];
    if (lastTree.right() - offset < width) {
        var tr = tree(lastTree.right()); 
for (var i = 0; i < treeLines.length; i++) {
        var tre = treeLines[i];
        image(treeLineImg, tre.x - offset, 25, szex, szey); //with mountains or without
    // clean up statement
    if (treeLines.length > 0 & treeLines[0].right() < offset) {
    // make a new treeline
    var lastTreeLine = treeLines[treeLines.length-1];
    if (lastTreeLine.right() - offset < width) {
        var tre = treeLine(lastTreeLine.right()); 

    for (var i = 0; i < windmillBottoms.length; i++) {
        var wnd = windmillBottoms[i];
        image(windmillBottomImg, wnd.x - offset, 87, szex2, szey2);
    // clean up statement
    if (windmillBottoms.length > 0 & windmillBottoms[0].right() < offset) {
    // make a new windmill
    var lastwindmillBottom = windmillBottoms[windmillBottoms.length-1];
    if (lastwindmillBottom.right() - offset < width) {
        var wnd = windmillBottom(lastwindmillBottom.right()); 

for (var i = 0; i < electric.length; i++) {
        var ew = electric[i];
        image(electricWindmillImg, ew.x - offset, 5, szex, szey); //dont show with other windmills
    // clean up statement
    if (electric.length > 0 & electric[0].right() < offset) {
    // make a new windmill
    var lastElectricWindmill = electric[electric.length-1];
    if (lastElectricWindmill.right() - offset < width) {
        var ew = electricwindmill(lastElectricWindmill.right()); 

for (var i = 0; i < fullWind.length; i++) {
        var full = fullWind[i];
         image(fullWindmillImg, full.x - offset, 100, 248, 150); //can be anytime show up
    // clean up statement
    if (fullWind.length > 0 & fullWind[0].right() < offset) {
    // make a new windmill
    var lastWindmill = fullWind[fullWind.length-1];
    if (lastWindmill.right() - offset < width) {
        var full = windmill(lastWindmill.right()); 

    for (var i = 0; i < airballoons.length; i++) {
        var air = airballoons[i];
        image(airballoonImg, air.x - offset, 110 - offset/10, szex2, szey2);
    // clean up statement
    if (airballoons.length > 0 & airballoons[0].right() < offset) {
    // make a new balloom
    var lastAirballoon = airballoons[airballoons.length-1];
    if (lastAirballoon.right() - offset < width) {
        var air = airballoon(lastAirballoon.right()); 

//background for tulips
for(var i = 0 ; i < width; i ++){
    fill(253, 218 - offset / 75, 42);
    rect(0, 195, 480, 100);
//slight change every time offset increases so slight won't notice till big change

    for (var i = 0; i < tulip.length; i++) {
        var t = tulip[i];
        image(flowerImg, t.x - offset, 190, 900, 105);//left

    // clean up statement
    if (tulip.length > 0 & tulip[0].right() < offset) {

    // make a new tulip
    var lastTulip = tulip[tulip.length-1];
    if (lastTulip.right() - offset < width) {
        var t = tulips(lastTulip.right()); 

 for (var i = 0; i < birds.length; i++) {
        var bids = birds[i];//need to change spawn pnt
        image(birdImg, bids.x - (offset + offset), 0, 165.4, 100); //move faster across the screen
    // clean up statement
    if (birds.length > 0 & birds[0].right() < offset) {
    // make a new bird //make less often
    var lastBird = birds[birds.length-1];
    if (lastBird.right() - (offset + offset) < width) {
        var bids = bird(lastBird.right()); 

 for (var i = 0; i < bunnys.length; i++) {
        var buns = bunnys[i];
        image(bunnyImg, buns.x - offset, 130, szex2, szey2);
    // clean up statement
    if (bunnys.length > 0 & bunnys[0].right() < offset) {
    // make a new rabbit //make less often
    var lastBunny = bunnys[bunnys.length-1];
    if (lastBunny.right() - offset < width) {
        var buns = bunny(lastBunny.right()); 

 for (var i = 0; i < cats.length; i++) {
        var kittens = cats[i];
        image(catImg, kittens.x - offset , 160, 206.75, 125);
    // clean up statement
    if (cats.length > 0 & cats[0].right() < offset) {
    // make a new cat //make less often
    var lastCat = cats[cats.length-1];
    if (lastCat.right() - offset < width) {
        var kittens = cat(lastCat.right()); 

    offset ++;

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