Looking Outwards-01

A creative computing project that I really admire are the Immersive Van Gogh Exhibits that have been in multiple cities. I love these immersive art installations because everyone there gets put into the art, surrounded by it, while also being told a narritive story with the works. These exhibites were designed by Massimiliano Siccardi in France, who has worked towards making projects like these for the past thirty years. To my knowledge, these installations were made by scanning Van Gogh’s paintings and using animation to then project them onto the walls. I think the creators would have been inspired by animatated works, but the invention in and of itself is fairly revolutionary. This opens up opportunities for immersive exhibits to be made for other artists as well, like people have already started doing with Monet’s works now. The purpose of these is to bring art to audiences everywhere in a new and exciting way, and it has been wildly successful.

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