The project is a relaxing view of sunset in an air balloon – if you take the time to watch the full animation, you can see the colors of the sky, sun, and clouds change as well through gradual RGB changes and color theory. I wanted a lowpoly style animation, and worked to get effect through the “shifting clouds”
var r = 140;
var g = 200;
var b = 230;
var cloudR = 255;
var cloudG = 255;
var cloudB = 255;
var sunX;
var sunY = 0;
var sunR = 255;
var sunG = 247;
var sunB = 197;
var sunSize = 50;
var airBalloons = [];
var clouds = [];
var sceneCount = 0;
var bPics = ["", "", ""]
var balloons = []
function preload() {
for (var i = 0; i < bPics.length; i++) {
function setup() {
createCanvas(480, 200);
sunX = width;
function draw() {
var sky = color(r, g, b);
rect(0, 0, width, height);
if (r < 255) {
r += 0.1
if (g > 150) {
g -= 0.1;
if (b > 87) {
b -= 0.1;
for (var i = 0; i < 50; i+= 0.5) {
stroke(r + i, g + i, b + i);
var amount = map(i * 2, 0, 100, height * 0.75, height);
line(0, amount, width, amount);
if (sunR > 242) {
sunR -= 0.1;
if (sunG > 60) {
sunG -= 0.1;
if (sunB > 10) {
sunB -= 0.1;
fill(sunR, sunG, sunB);
ellipse(sunX, sunY, sunSize, sunSize)
sunX -= 0.25;
sunY += 0.1;
sunSize += 0.01;
if (cloudR >= 244) {
cloudR -= 0.05;
if (cloudG >= 223) {
cloudG -= 0.05;
if (cloudB > 208) {
cloudB -= 0.05;
function makeCloud(stormCloud) {
var cloud = {
cX: random(0, 1.5 * width), cY: random(0, height), cDx:0,
cW: random(100, 300),
isStorm: stormCloud,
show: drawCloud,
move: moveCloud,
return cloud;
function drawCloud() {
var xInterval = this.cW / 8; var xPoint = this.cX
var yPoint = this.cY
if (this.cW > 200) {
this.cDx = 5;
fill(cloudR, cloudG, cloudB, 255);
} else if (this.cW > 100){ fill(cloudR, cloudG, cloudB, 200)
this.cDx = 3;
} else {
fill(cloudR, cloudG, cloudB, 100); this.cDx = 1;
if (this.isStorm) {
fill(200, 255);
var y = [yPoint, yPoint - 15, yPoint - 20, yPoint - 15, yPoint, yPoint + 15, yPoint + 20, yPoint + 15];
var x = [xPoint];
for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
if (i < 4) {
xPoint += xInterval
} else {
xPoint -= xInterval
for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
x[i] += random(-5, 5);
y[i] += random(-5, 5);
for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
vertex(x[i], y[i]);
function moveCloud() {
this.cX -= this.cDx;
if (this.cX + this.cW < 0) { this.cX = random(width, 1.5 * width);
this.cY = random(0, height / 1.5);
function updateClouds() {
for (var i = 0; i < clouds.length; i++) {
function generateClouds() {
var isStorm = false;
for (var i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
if (amount = Math.floor(random(1, 8)) == 2) {
isStorm = true;
var c = makeCloud(isStorm);
isStorm = false;
function generateAirBalloons() {
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
var b = makeBalloon()
function makeBalloon() {
var b = {
bX: random(0, width), bY: random(height * -5, height),
bDx: Math.floor(random(-4, 4)), bDy: Math.floor(random(2, 4)),
bImage: Math.floor(random(0, 3)), ratio: Math.floor(random(0, 2)),
show: drawBalloon,
float: floatBalloon,
return b;
function updateBalloons() {
for (var i = 0; i < airBalloons.length; i++) {
function floatBalloon() {
this.bX += this.bDx;
this.bY += this.bDy;
if (this.bY > height) {
this.bY = random(height * -5, height * -0.25);
this.bX = random(0, width);
function drawBalloon() {
image(balloons[this.bImage], this.bX, this.bY, balloons[this.bImage].width * this.ratio, balloons[this.bImage].height * this.ratio);