For this weeks looking outwards, I really enjoyed looking into the societal impacts that digital art has has on our world. It was interesting to see that there are so many possible issues that can arise when it comes to digital art. I decided to look into NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, and how copyright affects them. We all hear about copyright all around us, especially with the rise of brands and products that want to differentiate themselves. However, I didn’t really know that there were copyright implications with NFT’s. Since NFT’s are based around artwork, it’s essential to hold rights to the art. It was interesting to see how auction sites that host NFT’s are starting to create “DMCA” processes for removing these unauthorized NFT’s. I’m glad to see that there are processes in place to protect people’s hard work.
For my project I decided to create a restaurant on a train that serves japanese food via a conveyer belt. The dishes include: sashimi, tuna sushi, matcha, miso soup, ramen, and salmon. In the window of the train booth, you can watch as you travel through a bright city at night.
// 15104 SECTION C
var buildings =[];var fd =[] //
// food items
var ramen; //
var miso; //
var salmon; //
var sashimi; //
var matcha; //
var tunasushi; //
var maki; //
var food =["","","","","","",""]; // food contains the images of ramen,miso,salmon,etc.
seats =loadImage("");
ramen =loadImage(food[0]); //ramen
miso =loadImage(food[1]); //miso
salmon =loadImage(food[2]); // salmon
sashimi =loadImage(food[3]); //sashimi
matcha =loadImage(food[4]); //matcha
tunasushi =loadImage(food[5]); //tunasushi
maki =loadImage(food[6]); //maki
bg =loadImage("");}functionsetup(){createCanvas(480,480);background(220);imageMode(CENTER);frameRate(17); // create an initial collection of buildings
for(var i =0; i <20; i++){var rx =random(width);
buildings[i]=makeBuilding(rx);} // collection of dishes
var dist =0;for(var i =0; i <500; i++){
dist +=150; //distance between dishes
}print(fd);}functiondraw(){createCanvas(480,480);background(25,25,112); //buildings
push();translate(0,-120);updateAndDisplayBuildings();removeBuildingsThatHaveSlippedOutOfView();addNewBuildingsWithSomeRandomProbability();pop(); //bg
image(bg,266.4269,240,532.8539,480);showFood(); //seats
image(seats,240,408.3845,480,143.231);}functionmakeFood(xloc){var fd ={ x: xloc,
move: foodMove,
food :random([ramen, miso, salmon, sashimi, matcha, tunasushi, maki]),
display: foodDisplay,}return fd;}functionfoodDisplay(){/*the width heights and y location are respective to the
ones mapped out on adobe illustrator. thats why they are typed manually */ //xloc is the speed times 500 and the dist
if( == ramen){image(ramen,this.x -750*20,310,148,108); // ramen
}if( == miso){image(miso,this.x -750*20,310,119,115); // miso
}if( == salmon){image(salmon,this.x -750*20,318,174,126); // salmon
}if( == sashimi){image(sashimi,this.x -750*20,309,203,147); //sashimi
}if( == matcha){image(matcha,this.x -750*20,324,119,86); // matcha
}if( == tunasushi){image(tunasushi,this.x -750*20,318,164,119); //tuna
}if( == maki){image(maki,this.x -750*20,294,247,179); //maki
//speed of moving food
functionfoodMove(){this.x +=this.speedx;}
//calling show and move function of dishes
functionshowFood(){for(var i =0; i < fd.length; i++){
fd[i].move();if( i == fd.length){textSize(15);text('Sushi Bar closed. No more food for today!',100,200);}}}functionmakeBuilding(birthLocationX){var bldg ={x: birthLocationX,
move: buildingMove,
color:color(random(255),random(255),random(255),80), // random color buildings with low opacity to look distant
display: buildingDisplay
}return bldg;}functionupdateAndDisplayBuildings(){ // Update the building's positions, and display them.
for(var i =0; i < buildings.length; i++){
buildings[i].display();}}functionremoveBuildingsThatHaveSlippedOutOfView(){var buildingsToKeep =[];for(var i =0; i < buildings.length; i++){if(buildings[i].x + buildings[i].breadth >0){
buildings = buildingsToKeep; // remember the surviving buildings
}functionaddNewBuildingsWithSomeRandomProbability(){ // With a very tiny probability, add a new building to the end.
var newBuildingLikelihood =0.007;if(random(0,1)< newBuildingLikelihood){
// method to update position of building every frame
functionbuildingMove(){this.x +=this.speed;}
// draw the building and some windows
functionbuildingDisplay(){var floorHeight =20;var bHeight =this.nFloors * floorHeight;fill(this.color);push();translate(this.x, height -40);strokeWeight(0);rect(0,-bHeight,this.breadth, bHeight);for(var i =0; i <this.nFloors; i++){rect(5,-15-(i * floorHeight),this.breadth -10,10);}pop();}
I take references from this animation/rendering competition and made this robot pushing a sphere in an alien planet:
I have trees generation in the background
boulders in front
and hills in the back
* Andrew J Wang
* Section A
* This Program is walking
//sets of links
//location of feets of the walking person
var pointXG =0;var pointYG =0;
//steps (frame) locations of the feets
var stepsX =[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,10,10,10,10,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0];var stepsY =[0,0.5,1,1.5,2,2.5,3,3.5,4,4.5,5,4,3,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0];
//counters for multiple frames (feet + mountains)
var counter =0;
//location of the person on the drawing
var locationX =120;var locationY =200;
//arrays for trees for clusters of boulders
var trees =[];var clusters =[];
//set a array for land heights (FROM PREVIOUS ASSIGNMENT)
var landHeight =[];var landHeight2 =[];
//create noice parameter and steps
var noiseParam =0;var noiseParam2 =0;var noiseStep =0.005;var noiseStep2 =0.01;functionsetup(){createCanvas(480,300); // create an initial collection of trees
for(var i =0; i <5; i++){var rx =random(width);
trees[i]=makeTrees(rx);} // create an initial collection of boulders
for(var i =0; i <10; i++){var rx2 =random(width);
clusters[i]=makeClusters(rx2);} //hill #1
for(var k=0; k<=480; k++){ //get noise through noise param
var n =noise(noiseParam); //remapping based on height
var value =map(n,0,1,0,height/4)+130; //add to array
landHeight.push(value); //plus steps
noiseParam += noiseStep;} //hill #2
for(var k=0; k<=480; k++){ //get noise through noise param
var n2 =noise(noiseParam2); //remapping based on height
var value2 =map(n2,0,1,0,height/3)+80; //add to array
landHeight2.push(value2); //plus steps
noiseParam2 += noiseStep2;}}functiondraw(){background(100); //MOON
push();noStroke();fill(255,255,220);ellipse(380,0,250,250);pop(); //draw first sets of hill
push();noStroke();fill(240);beginShape(); //fist vertex
vertex(0,(locationY+70+60)*0.8-80); //for loop to grab all the vertex
for(var k=0; k<=480; k++){vertex(k,landHeight2[k]);} //last vertex
vertex(width,(locationY+70+60)*0.8-80);endShape(CLOSE); //adding another point by shifting
var n2=noise(noiseParam2);var value2 =map(n2,0,1,0,height/3)+80;
noiseParam2 +=0.01/20; //slowing the speed of refreshing by using a counter
landHeight2.push(value2);}pop(); //draw second sets of hill
push();noStroke();fill(220);beginShape(); //fist vertex
vertex(0,(locationY+70+60)*0.8-80); //for loop to grab all the vertex
for(var k=0; k<=480; k++){vertex(k,landHeight[k]);} //last vertex
vertex(width,(locationY+70+60)*0.8-80);endShape(CLOSE); //adding another point by shifting
var n=noise(noiseParam);var value =map(n,0,1,0,height/4)+130;
noiseParam +=0.005/5; //slowing the speed of refreshing by using a counter
landHeight.push(value);}pop(); //ground plane
push();noStroke();fill(200);rect(0,(locationY+70+60)*0.8-80,width, height-((locationY+70+60)*0.8-80));pop(); //set trees and clusters by refreshing the removed objects and clusters
updateDisplay();removeTrees();addTrees();removeClusters();addClusters(); //walking person
strokeWeight(3);push(); //scaling it
scale(0.6);translate(0,150);walking(locationX,locationY);walking2(locationX,locationY);body(locationX,locationY); //butt
push();strokeWeight(2);ellipse(locationX,locationY,15,15);pop();pop(); //display clusters in the end
//refreashing trees and display them
functionupdateDisplay(){for(var i =0; i < trees.length; i++){
//refreshing boulders and display them
functionupdateDisplay2(){for(var i =0; i < clusters.length; i++){
//removing trees if it is too far away from the screen
functionremoveTrees(){var treesToKeep =[];for(var i =0; i < trees.length; i++){if(trees[i].x + trees[i].breadth >0){
//removing boulders if it is too far away from the screen
functionremoveClusters(){var clustersToKeep =[];for(var i =0; i < clusters.length; i++){if(clusters[i].x + clusters[i].breadth >0){
//add trees 100 units away from border
functionaddTrees(){var Likelihood =0.01;if(random(0,1)< Likelihood){
//add boulders 500 units away from border
functionaddClusters(){var Likelihood =0.01;if(random(0,1)< Likelihood){
//set trees values and function
functionmakeTrees(birthLocationX){var tree ={x: birthLocationX,
move: objectMove,
display: treeDisplay}return tree;}
//set boulders values and functions
functionmakeClusters(birthLocationX){var tree ={x: birthLocationX,
move: object2Move,
display: clusterDisplay}return tree;}
//move objects
functionobjectMove(){this.x +=this.speed;}functionobject2Move(){this.x +=this.speed;}
//draw trees
functiontreeDisplay(){line(this.x,this.y ,this.x,this.y+this.treeHeight);push();translate(this.x,this.y);rectMode(CENTER);noFill();strokeWeight(1);push();rotate(-counter/180*Math.PI);rect(0,0,this.size,this.size);pop();push();rotate(counter/180*Math.PI);rect(0,0,this.size-10,this.size-10);pop();pop();}
//draw bolders
//leg #1
functionwalking(xL,yL){ //counter/10 get frame number
var counterK = Math.floor(counter/10)%(stepsX.length); //Feet locations
pointXG = xL-70+stepsX[counterK]*6;
pointYG = yL+70-stepsY[counterK]*4; //Pathegorean theorm to get the knee and legs
var dis = Math.sqrt((xL-pointXG)*(xL-pointXG)+(yL-pointYG)*(yL-pointYG));var num =(10000)-(dis*dis);var sid =sqrt(num);var midX = xL-(xL-pointXG)/2;var midY = yL-(yL-pointYG)/2;var tan =atan2(pointXG-xL,pointYG-yL);
ellipse ((pointXG-xL)/2+xL+cos(tan)*sid/2,(pointYG-yL)/2+yL-sin(tan)*sid/2,5,5);line(xL,yL,(pointXG-xL)/2+xL+cos(tan)*sid/2,(pointYG-yL)/2+yL-sin(tan)*sid/2);line(pointXG,pointYG,(pointXG-xL)/2+xL+cos(tan)*sid/2,(pointYG-yL)/2+yL-sin(tan)*sid/2); //feet bending
if(stepsY[counterK]==0){line(pointXG,pointYG,pointXG+20,pointYG);}else{var tanF =atan2(Math.sqrt(400-stepsY[counterK]*2),stepsY[counterK]*4);line(pointXG,pointYG,pointXG+20*sin(tanF),pointYG+20*cos(tanF));}
//repeat for the second leg
functionwalking2(xL,yL){var counterK =(Math.floor(counter/10)+stepsX.length/2)%(stepsX.length);
pointXG = xL-70+stepsX[counterK]*6;
pointYG = yL+70-stepsY[counterK]*4;var dis = Math.sqrt((xL-pointXG)*(xL-pointXG)+(yL-pointYG)*(yL-pointYG));var num =(10000)-(dis*dis);var sid =sqrt(num);var midX = xL-(xL-pointXG)/2;var midY = yL-(yL-pointYG)/2;var tan =atan2(pointXG-xL,pointYG-yL);
ellipse ((pointXG-xL)/2+xL+cos(tan)*sid/2,(pointYG-yL)/2+yL-sin(tan)*sid/2,5,5);line(xL,yL,(pointXG-xL)/2+xL+cos(tan)*sid/2,(pointYG-yL)/2+yL-sin(tan)*sid/2);line(pointXG,pointYG,(pointXG-xL)/2+xL+cos(tan)*sid/2,(pointYG-yL)/2+yL-sin(tan)*sid/2);if(stepsY[counterK]==0){line(pointXG,pointYG,pointXG+20,pointYG);}else{var tanF =atan2(Math.sqrt(400-stepsY[counterK]*2),stepsY[counterK]*4);line(pointXG,pointYG,pointXG+20*sin(tanF),pointYG+20*cos(tanF));}
//body parts and other stuff
functionbody(xL,yL){var counterK =(Math.floor(counter/10)+stepsX.length/2)%(stepsX.length);var counterK2 =(Math.floor(counter/10)+10)%(stepsX.length);var counterK3 =(Math.floor(counter/10)+25)%(stepsX.length);push();strokeWeight(2);fill("grey") //shoulder 1
ellipse(xL+35+stepsY[counterK2],yL-45-stepsX[counterK2],30,30); //hand
ellipse(xL+35+60,yL-45-stepsX[counterK]+10,10,10);pop(); //arms
line(xL+35+stepsY[counterK],yL-45-stepsX[counterK],xL+35+30,yL-45-stepsX[counterK]+20);line(xL+35+30,yL-45-stepsX[counterK]+20,xL+35+60,yL-45-stepsX[counterK]+10); //body
line(xL,yL,xL+35+stepsY[counterK],yL-45-stepsX[counterK]);push();fill("black");ellipse(xL+35+30,yL-45-stepsX[counterK]+20,5,5);pop(); //Round thingy
push();noFill();strokeWeight(2);ellipse(xL+35+175,yL-45,230,230);fill(255);ellipse(xL+35+175,yL-45,220,220);stroke(255);pop(); //shoulder 2
push();noStroke();ellipse(xL+35+stepsY[counterK2],yL-45-stepsX[counterK2],15,15);pop(); //head
By reading this article, I understand how NFTs really work. So, according to this article owning an NFT doesn’t necessarily mean someone actually owns the copyright of this art piece. However, it isn’t completely useless, as NFTs can also be considered as an internet-signed copy of the work. Because of the fact that the NFTs function as a signed copy of the original art piece, they can help the producers financially. On the other hand, some people who didn’t create those works can also tokenize those works can really damage the career of the artists who actually created those works. In other words, NFT platforms not only provide an easier way to allow society to donate and help digital artists but also create an opportunity for those who are even involved in any art creation process to drain money from those creators. However, in a few years, courts will eventually be involved in such cases to protect those artists eventually.
Bailey, J. (2021, March 16). NFTs and copyright. Plagiarism Today. Retrieved November 19, 2022, from
As artificial intelligence software that detects, recognizes, and classifies faces becomes increasingly popular, researchers Joy Buolamwini and Timnit Gebru are examining how codified biases in facial recognition software often misgender people who are not white or even fail to recognize their faces completely in their project titled “Gender Shades”. These biased facial recognition softwares are often created by male-dominated teams of computer scientists who lack diversity in ethnicity, race, and gender. Additionally, the data sets that these computer scientists feed their programs also often lack diversity, which is why the software does a poor job of recognizing people who are not white or male. To combat this, Buolamwini and Gebru have created a new standard of data set taken from a diverse group of 1270 parliamentarians from Africa and Europe. This new benchmark dataset for gender and racial diversity will help facial recognition softwares learn to recognize all faces and distinguish between genders and ethnicities without bias.
var numPlanets =4;var planet ={x:[], y:[], s:[], r:[], g:[], b:[], dx:[]};var d =[];
var numStars =100;var star ={x:[], y:[], s:[], dx:[]};
var porthole;var astroLinks =["","",""];var astroPics =[];var astro ={x:[], y:[], s:[], dx:[], e:[]};functionpreload(){for(k =0; k <3; k++){
porthole =loadImage("") //made this porthole graphic myself
}functionsetup(){createCanvas(480,480);background(0);planetInitialize();starInitialize();astroInitialize();}functiondraw(){background(0);starUpdate();planetUpdate();astroUpdate();image(porthole,0,0, width, height);}functiondrawPlanetA(x, y, s, i){ //option one for planet type (moon-y)
strokeWeight(0);fill(planet.r[i], planet.g[i], planet.b[i]); //randomized color
ellipse(x, y, s, s);fill(planet.r[i]+20, planet.g[i]+20, planet.b[i]+20); //randomized color, but a little bit lighter
ellipse(x - s/10, y + s/3, s/4);ellipse(x + s/5, y - s/10, s/3);ellipse(x - s/4, y - s/5, s/7);}functiondrawPlanetB(x, y, s, i){ //option two for planet type (saturn-y)
fill(planet.r[i], planet.g[i], planet.b[i]);ellipse(x, y, s, s);strokeWeight(3);stroke(255-planet.r[i],255-planet.g[i],255-planet.b[i]);line(x - s*(2/3), y, x + s*(2/3), y);strokeWeight(0);}functionstarUpdate(){for(var j =0; j < numStars; j++){strokeWeight(0)fill(250,248,235); //creamy white
ellipse(star.x[j], star.y[j], star.s[j], star.s[j]);if(star.x[j]>= width + star.s[j]){ //if star has fully moved off screen, I reset the values
star.x[j]=random(-20,0-star.s[j]); //HOWEVER, I reset the values with the X position offscreen, so there appears to be a continuous scroll
star.y[j]=random(0, height);
star.dx[j]= star.s[j]/200;}else{
star.x[j]+= star.dx[j]; //if star is not offscreen, it moves to the right
}}}functionplanetUpdate(){for(var i =0; i < numPlanets; i++){if(d[i]<=1){ //selects planet type: if d is less than/equal to one, planet A is drawn, if d is greater than one, planet B is drawn
drawPlanetA(planet.x[i], planet.y[i], planet.s[i], i);}elseif(d[i]>1){drawPlanetB(planet.x[i], planet.y[i], planet.s[i], i);}if(planet.x[i]>= width + planet.s[i]+(planet.s[i]*(2/3))){ //if planet has fully moved off screen, I reset the values
planet.x[i]=random(-200,0-planet.s[i]); //HOWEVER, I reset the values with the X position offscreen, so there appears to be a continuous scroll
planet.y[i]=random(0, height);
planet.dx[i]= planet.s[i]/200;}else{
planet.x[i]+= planet.dx[i]; //if planet is not offscreen, it moves to the right
}}}functionastroUpdate(){for(var k =0; k <3; k++){image(astroPics[k], astro.x[k], astro.y[k], astro.s[k], astro.s[k]);if(astro.x[k]>= astro.e[k]){
astro.y[k]=random(0, height);
astro.dx[k]= astro.s[k]/200;
astro.x[k]+= astro.dx[k];}}}functionplanetInitialize(){for(var i =0; i < numPlanets; i++){
planet.x[i]=random(0, width); //x position
planet.y[i]=random(0, height); //y position
planet.s[i]=random(10,150); //size
planet.r[i]=random(20,235); //r, g, and b are randomized. I seperated these instead of creating a color variable so I could use R, G, and B to edit the details
planet.dx[i]= planet.s[i]/200; //dx is related to the size of the planet, if it's bigger it will appear to move quicker
d[i]=(random(0,2)); //variable d selects whether or not planet type A or B is selected
}}functionstarInitialize(){for(var j =0; j < numStars; j++){
star.x[j]=random(0, width);
star.y[j]=random(0, height);
star.dx[j]= star.s[j]/200; //dx is related to the size of the star, if it's bigger it will appear to move quicker
}}functionastroInitialize(){for(var k =0; k <3; k++){
astro.x[k]=random(-2000, width)
astro.y[k]=random(0, height);
astro.dx[k]= astro.s[k]/200;
astro.e[k]=random(height+150,2000); //astro end: beginning/end determines where image starts/ends it's journey before reset. I made the value larger so there would be greater diversity in when astronaunts appeared
The article I selected is “Finding Inspiration for Art in the Betrayal of Privacy” by Jenna Wortham in the New York Times. The article focuses on an exhibition in a gallery in Lower Manhattan put on by a Berlin group called the Tactical Technology Collective. The exhibition looked at the impact of technology and how it observes us on the daily through an artistic lens. One example that they used which I found interesting was how step and activity data may be used in the future to determine insurance costs. This would cause people to “hack” their devices in order to make it seem like they moved more in order to lower their insurance costs. They also experimented with a facial-recognition software called “Churchix” to create an immersive experiment for gallery goers. The way the Tactical Technology Collective subverted technology that we use day to day lives, causes us to rethink our own relationship with technology and the way we “buy into” our own surveillance on the daily.
When an AI face-recognition program fails only to detect colored women, there is clearly a systemic issue. ARS Electronica Blog dissects this bias in the article “Women in Media Arts”, attributing fault with the creators themselves: White Men. In Joy Buolamwini (US) and Timnit Gebru (ETH)’s project “Gender Shades”, they researched discrimination regarding gender and skin colour of people, finding the cause to be incomplete data sets.
The article encourages readers to reflect on the societal consequences-if these people are misrepresented, they may earn less opportunities in select technological fields. Thus, Caroline Sinders (US) devised ‘feminist data sets’ in order to counteract bias in machine-learning, surrounding art, interviews, and data collection by women. Mary Flanagan’s study “Help Me Know The Truth” measures the larger impact/structural flaws in society through assessing participant’s views of random subjects as either ‘victims’ or ‘criminals’.
I made a simple story about a girl (me) who goes on a walk to the park. During her time there as she walks by, she sees tom and jerry start chasing each other all over the park and she starts laughing. The background d elements and all elements other than tom and jerry were done on illustrator and imported to imgur. My 4 characters are the cloud making the wind sound, the tom making the meow sound, the girl laughing, and the bird chirping.
I made a simple story about a girl (me) who goes on a walk to the park. During her time there as she walks by,
she sees tom and jerry start chasing each other all over the park and
she starts laughing. The background d elements and all elements other than tom and jerry were done on illustrator
and imported to imgur. My 4 characters are the cloud making the wind sound, the tom making the meow sound, the girl
laughing, and the bird chirping.
// call global variables
//background image
var bgPhoto
// cloud
var cloudX =0; // bird
var birdImage =[];var birdX =500;var birditem =0;var birdwidth =80 // srishty (me)
var srishtyImage;var srishtyx =500; // cloud
var cloudImage;var cloudx =300 // tom and jerry
var tomandjerry =[];var tomandjerryx =70;var tomandjerryitem =0;var tjdy =1var tjdx =1
// frame counter initializer
var count =0;
//load images to imgur
bgPhoto =loadImage(""); // images
birdImage[0]=loadImage(""); // first image in the bird list
birdImage[1]=loadImage(""); // first image in the bird list
srishtyImage =loadImage(""); // srishty image
cloudImage =loadImage(""); // cloud image
tomandjerry[3]=loadImage(""); //sounds
wind =loadSound("");
meow =loadSound("");
laugh =loadSound("");
chirp =loadSound("");}functionsoundSetup(){
laugh.setVolume(2);}functionsetup(){createCanvas(400,400); //frameRate(5);
count++; // add one frame to draw function
//background image
image(bgPhoto, width/2, height/2, width, height);;; //call characters
drawCloud();drawbird();drawTandJ()drawSrishty();if(count ==450|| count ==750){;}if(count ==500|| count ==800){;}}
// function for bird flapping
functiondrawbird(){image(birdImage[birditem], birdX,104, birdwidth,30); // if the frame counter is odd have the bird's item be the first one, if even have it be the second one
//fkapping affect
if(count %2===0){ // bird frame 1
birditem =1;
birdwidth =100
birdX -=.5; // bird flies to left
}if(count %2===1){ // bird frame 0
birditem =0;
birdwidth =80;
birdX -=.5; // bird flies to left
}}functiondrawSrishty(){var heightcount =.5if(count >=30){ // srishty walks in 30 frames after bird
// staggering heights so it looks like walking rather than glide
if(count %2===0){ //odd
image(srishtyImage, srishtyx - heightcount,325,66.2218,205.4745);
srishtyx -=.3; // srishty walks to left
}if(count %2===1){ //even
image(srishtyImage, srishtyx,325+ heightcount,66.2218,205.4745);
srishtyx -=.3; // srishty walks to left
}}}functiondrawCloud(){ // draw cloud
image(cloudImage, cloudx,69,130.2123,46.6313);
cloudx -=0.09; //cloud moves very slowly
}functiondrawTandJ(){ // tom and jerry frames chasing eachother
if(count >=0& count <=400){image(tomandjerry[tomandjerryitem], tomandjerryx,300,216.9349,162.7012);
tomandjerryitem =0}if(count >=400& count <=500){image(tomandjerry[tomandjerryitem],(tomandjerryx +100)+ tjdx,300,216.9349,162.7012);
tomandjerryitem =1
tjdx +=.5}if(count >=500& count <=750){image(tomandjerry[tomandjerryitem],(tomandjerryx +300)-tjdx,400- tjdy,220,120.7012);
tomandjerryitem =2
tjdy +=.5;
tjdx +=.5}if(count >=750& count <=2000){image(tomandjerry[tomandjerryitem],(tomandjerryx +200)-tjdx,400- tjdy,216.9349/2,162.7012/2);
tomandjerryitem =3
tjdy +=.5;
tjdx +=2;}}
One Night on the Farm One night on the farm, the farmer left the animals out. The crickets were chirping and the chickens were clucking. A whirring hum was heard and an alien space ship appeared. The alien first abducted the sheep who let out a surprised “baa” as he rose into the air and shrunk. The pig was next. He let out a startled “oink” as he was lifted away from his mud. Then it was the cows turn. He let out a shocked “moo” before being whisked away. The space ship left with its new specimens, and the crickets chirped and the chickens clucked some more.
The farm images are licensed from Adobe stock images. The sounds used are from and edited with Audacity. The sounds are used under the Creative Commons license. The owners did not want attribution. The sounds are: crickets.wav – crickets chirping, cluckcluck.wav – chickens clucking, spaceShip.wav – space ship sounds, moo.wav – a cow, baa.wav – a sheep, oink.wav – a pig.
/* Evan Stuhlfire
* Section B
* Project-10: Sonic Story - One Night on the Farm
Assignment-10: Sonic Story
One Night on the Farm
One night on the farm, the farmer left the animals
out. The crickets were chirping and the chickens were
clucking. A whiring hum was heard and an alien space ship appeared.
The alien first abducted the sheep who let out a surprised "baa" as he
rose into the air and shrunk. The pig was next. He let out a startled
"oink" as he was lifted away from his mud. Then it was the cows turn.
He let out a shocked "moo" before being whisked away. The
space ship left with its new specimens, and the crickets chirped
and the chickens clucked some more.
The farm images are liscensed from Adobe stock images. The sounds used are from and edited with Audacity.
The sounds are used under the Creative Commons liscense. The owners did not
want attribution. The sounds are:
crickets.wav - crickets chirping, cluckcluck.wav - chickens clucking,
spaceShip.wav - space ship sounds, moo.wav - a cow, baa.wav - a sheep,
oink.wav - a pig.
*/var farmImg =[]; // an array to store the images
var farmObjArray =[]; // array to store images
// sound variables
var crickets;var cluck;var baa;var moo;var oink;var spaceShip;
// starting sky and foreground colors
var rNight =50;var gNight =100;var bNight =150;var rFore =50;var gFore =160;var bFore =80;var moon =100;
// position of the moon
var xMoon;var yMoon;
// map to array indexes
var fence =0;var barn =1;var hay =2;var cow =3;var pig =4;var sheep =5;var chicken =6;var rooster =7;var ship =8;functionpreload(){ // These URLs are images stored on imgur
// images liscensed from Adobe Stock images
// preload farm images
var filenames =[];
filenames[ship]="" // load farm images
for(var i =0; i < filenames.length; i++){
farmImg[i]=loadImage(filenames[i]);} // load sounds
crickets =loadSound("");
cluck =loadSound("");
baa =loadSound("");
moo =loadSound("");
oink =loadSound("");
spaceShip =loadSound("");}functionstepImage(){ // // move and grow the space ship to get the sheep
if(this.imageNum == ship &this.moving){if( == sheep){if(this.x < width/4){this.x +=this.speed;}if(this.y < height/2.5){this.y +=this.speed;}if(this.ySize <=100){this.ySize +=this.speed;}if(this.xSize <=200){this.xSize +=this.speed;}else{if(this.drawBeam){drawBeam(this.x,this.y,;}}}elseif( == pig){ // move the space ship to get the pig
this.drawBeam =true; // turn the beam back on
if(this.ySize >=80){this.ySize -=this.speed;}if(this.xSize >=180){this.xSize -=this.speed;}if(this.y > height/3){this.y -=this.speed;}if(this.x <= width/2){this.x +=this.speed;}else{if(this.drawBeam){drawBeam(this.x,this.y,;}}}elseif( == cow){ // move the space ship to get the cow
this.drawBeam =true; // turn the beam back on
if(this.ySize <=120){this.ySize +=this.speed;}if(this.xSize <=240){this.xSize +=this.speed;}if(this.y < height/1.8){this.y +=this.speed;}if(this.x >= width/4){this.x -=this.speed;}else{ // the ship is in the correct location for the beam
if(this.drawBeam){drawBeam(this.x,this.y,;}}}elseif( < cow){ // fly away
if(this.ySize >=0){this.ySize -=this.speed;}if(this.xSize >=0){this.xSize -=this.speed;}if(this.y >0){this.y -=this.speed;}if(this.x <= width){this.x +=this.speed;}}} // when an animal is being abducted it shrinks and rises into the ship
if(this.imageNum == farmObjArray[ship].target &this.moving){ // decrease y to rise into the ship
if(this.y >= farmObjArray[ship].y){this.y -=this.speed;}else{ // turn the beam off and set target to pig
farmObjArray[ship].drawBeam =false; // don't decrease the target below the cow index
if(farmObjArray[ship].target >= cow){
farmObjArray[ship].target--;} // stop drawing this image
this.moving =false;this.drawOn =false;} // shrink
if(this.xSize >0){this.xSize *=.95;}if(this.ySize >0){this.ySize *=.95;}if(this.imageNum == sheep & frameCount %15==0){;}elseif(this.imageNum == pig & frameCount %15==0){;}elseif(this.imageNum == cow & frameCount %12==0){;}}}functiondrawImage(){ // draw image
// Constructor for each farm image
functionmakeObj(cx, cy, imNum, xs, ys){var c ={x: cx, y: cy, xSize: xs, ySize: ys,
imageNum: imNum,
target: sheep,
stepFunction: stepImage,
drawFunction: drawImage
}return c;}functionsetup(){createCanvas(480,480); // set farm colors
background(rNight, gNight, bNight);foreground(rFore, gFore, bFore); // set initial moon position
xMoon = width +25;
yMoon = height/2.25;
xShip = width/4;
yShip = height/2+50;imageMode(CENTER); // create array of farm objects
createFarmObjs();frameRate(10);useSound();}functionsoundSetup(){ // setup for audio generation
spaceShip.setVolume(0.5);}functiondraw(){noStroke();background(rNight, gNight, bNight);foreground(rFore, gFore, bFore);makeSounds();var currentImage; // loop over farm images and draw them
for(var i =0; i < farmObjArray.length; i++){
currentImage = farmObjArray[i]; // draw the farm
currentImage.drawFunction();} // darken to night sky
fadeNightSky();}functionmakeSounds(){ // make sounds at frameCount intervals
// play crickets
if(frameCount >5& frameCount <350&& frameCount %25==0){;} // play cluck cluck
if((frameCount >24& frameCount <350&& frameCount %50==0)){;}if(frameCount >24& frameCount <200&& frameCount %25==0){;}if(frameCount >400){ // stop all sounds
oink.stop(); // stop looping
noLoop();}}functioncreateFarmObjs(){ // create objects for farm: fence, barn, hay
// set initial positions xPos and yPos
var xPos = width/1.25;var yPos = height/2; // set initial size
var xs =125;var ys =125; // create farm objects
farmObjArray[fence]=makeObj(width/2, yPos +20, fence, xs *5,
ys *.25);
farmObjArray[barn]=makeObj(xPos, yPos, barn, xs, ys);
farmObjArray[hay]=makeObj(xPos +50, yPos +50, hay, xs/2, ys/2);
farmObjArray[cow]=makeObj(width/4, height/1.2, cow,100,70);
farmObjArray[pig]=makeObj(width/2, height/1.68, pig,55,45);
farmObjArray[sheep]=makeObj(width/4, height/1.65, sheep,30,50);
farmObjArray[chicken]=makeObj(width/1.2, height/1.35,
farmObjArray[rooster]=makeObj(width/1.3, height/1.45,
farmObjArray[ship]=makeObj(0, height/8, ship,20,1);}functiondrawBeam(x, y, target){ // draw beam
fill(240,250,240,80);triangle(x, y, x +65,
farmObjArray[target].y +40,
x -65,
farmObjArray[target].y +40); // set target to moving
farmObjArray[target].moving =true;}functionfadeNightSky(){ // decrease the background colors to darken the sky to night
var offset =5;
rNight -= offset;
gNight -= offset;
bNight -= offset;
rNight =max(0, rNight);
gNight =max(0, gNight);
bNight =max(0, bNight); // draw moon
if(rNight ==0){fill(moon);ellipse(xMoon, yMoon,50);
moon =min(moon,245);
xMoon -= offset;
yMoon -= offset;
xMoon =max(width/1.35, xMoon);
yMoon =max(height/7.75, yMoon);} // when it is dark start moving space ship
if(bNight ==0){
farmObjArray[ship].moving =true;}}functionforeground(r, g, b){ // create lawn and mud puddle for pig
fill(r, g, b);rect(0, height/2, width, height/2);fill(90,80,15);ellipse(width/2-10, height/1.6,150,25);}