Blog – 05

I am most inspired by the work of Thomas Mangold. He is an artist from Dortmund, Germany that uses variations of shape, colors and dimensions in all of his work. He works with various mediums but most recently he has experimented with computational art. He makes all sorts of 3D art, but my favorite is his animal combinations where he combines two or more animals to create a very interesting and memorable final product. For example, he has combined a shark and a panda called Bluefin Tuna, and an elephant with a mouse called Mosquitofant. Mangold’s work is so unique that companies like WWF, Syfy channel, and Playstation reached out and partnered with him. He was also recently named on a list of the 30 best 3D digital artists of 2022. Although I am not familiar with the methods he used to create the artwork, I know that the overall concepts and levels of detail are very impressive.

By: Katie Makarska

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