Looking Outwards-06

The project I found this week is Aaron Tobey’s “Visualizing Randomness”, which would be an excellent example of using randomness in the computation of art. The two pictures I’m specifically interested in are ‘Graphic random number generator run matrix(1min)’ and ‘Graphic random number generator run matrix process’. When the generator starts working, the random white lines that appear on the black background begin to create a spatial feeling and balance of density. Abstractness shown in the lines creates visual artistry and there are many possibilities for future development in this drawing.

Another interesting point of randomness art is that computers could satisfy the need for surprise in the artwork. If the Visualizing Randomness is created by hand, though a good artist can also achieve great hierarchy and order in the drawing, there would be details that the artist hasn’t considered. With the incorporation of digital tools, the content can be more subconscious and balanced.

here is the link to more information:


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