starry – LoopResearch

I thought the gif of the MTV logo was successful because even though there were a lot of brightly colored shapes moving in different directions, the artist was able to keep the attention at the center. I also like how there are a mix of individual parts that are looping (ex. The blue triangles) as well as hand-drawn animations.


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A post shared by Andreas Wannerstedt (@wannerstedt)

I really like how surreal this gif feels because of the combination of complicated and simple forms, as well as the variety of textures (grass, stone leaves); the color palette is pretty cohesive as well. I also like the tension between the swinging pillars and the intricate statues and I think the looping aspect is pretty successful at maintaining such a feeling.


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A post shared by Dave Whyte (@davebeesbombs)

I like the simplicity and quietness of this project, and was especially drawn to the colors and circular composition which helps it feel stable and complete. I also like how can evoke contrasting imagery because of how abstract it is, since I thought both of the phases of the moon as well as eyeballs without pupils.

duq – LoopResearch

This piece really caught my attention due to its simplicity. I think some of the other pieces do look better, but I feel like this piece is something I could have realistically made if I had thought of the idea. It puts art like this so much more within reach.


I really enjoyed this piece, as well as many similar pieces made by Suen due to her not attempting to make her gifs entirely smooth and instead leaning into the shifting shapes that originated in stop motion and other old forms of animation. I like this piece in particular due to the way different features turn into one another. The arms turn into ears, and the unhappy cube turns into a happy blob.

I found this piece to be more frustrating that satisfying as it doesn’t follow my expectations. I thought that the ring would switch which track it was taking each time, to maintain symmetry as these pieces tend to do. Instead, it only goes to the right one in every four times, so when it does go right it is very satisfying  but otherwise is super frustrating.


(Visit: for better experience)


Rush Hour - by Andreas Wannerstedt (
Rush Hour – by Andreas Wannerstedt (

Unlike many of looped GIFs, this image has a nice conceptual meaning beyond visual satisfaction. Titled “Rush Hour”, the GIF highlights the complexity of human decentralized route-planning ability. Think subway in NYC, somehow people are able to navigate through crowd without any communication. This, even with full communication, is an NP-hard problem. The image, with high visual complexity, highlight this fact vividly.

Poached Egg Party - by Cindy Suen (
Poached Egg Party – by Cindy Suen (

It is hard to play with colors of high saturation. And this image demonstrates it well.

:) by @beesandbombs(Dave) (
🙂 by @beesandbombs(Dave) (

It is just an image that visualize a 2D function, but it let me stare at it for a long time. As an art, it does not sacrifice any accuracy to make the visualization more interesting.

Table of Content



Dr. Mario – Loop Research


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A post shared by Dave Whyte (@davebeesbombs)

I was immediately drawn to the changing colours and the spinning, but what I really liked the most was the effect on the hexagons as they transition, they have a really cool shutter effect going on.


Skateboarding sandwich.

Google CES Diorama from Andreas Wannerstedt on Vimeo.

This one is incredible. Its kind of a loop with the train, but I really like the idea of this lo-poly city. What is even cooler is that they 3D printed it all so that it is now a physical sculpture which I think is amazing.


Bees and Bombs (David Whyte) – I find it interesting that the general pattern itself is very structured, but the way each dot flows adds a softer/organic aspect to it.

Link to GIF

Cindy Suen – I like how each movement in this GIF flows smoothly with one another in a creative way. I especially like how the ribbon comes out of the cat’s mouth like a tongue.

Andreas Wannerstedt – I really enjoy the conceptual aspect of this work: the simple and repetitive motions convey a strong story. I also find the sound effects and sand-like motions to be relaxing, which I believe portrays an idea that we may often be stuck in our comfort zones.


David Whyte

Original Instagram post

Whyte uses this technique a few times in his work: he creates an illusion where a cube is textured with a “painting” of smaller cubes, that then move as if they were separate cubes. In actually exposing where the illusion breaks, Whyte is acknowledging the trick that gets the illusion to work. He takes the viewer through the magic of the motion but also lets them in on the secret.

Cindy Suen

Many of Suen’s looping GIFs create this illusion of an infinite assembly line process by having an object move across a path coming into frame in one form and then going out in another form (here, cleverly treating the computer screen as a frame itself). Let’s not think too hard about infinite production and consumption, and just appreciate how satisfying it is to watch an infinite stream of burgers get uploaded to the metaverse.

Lucas Zanotto

Zanotto is a master of easing, which is what makes his looping characters appear like they are powered by momentum and creates that moment of tension as the motion approaches an inflection point and stands still for a moment before falling into the next movement.


Lucas Zanotto


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A post shared by Lucas Zanotto (@lucas_zanotto)

I found this piece soooo satisfying! I love the trail of food behind the little rolling guy; he really successfully created this infinite loop by making it look like this action has been going on forever already!


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A post shared by Lucas Zanotto (@lucas_zanotto)

I actually couldn’t choose between that one and this one, just because the animation of the bubble sticking to the jumping guy was so beautifully created.

Dave Whyte


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A post shared by Dave Whyte (@davebeesbombs)

This loop really caught my eye because of the way the elements turned into each other and formed an infinity symbol!

Cindy Suen

I’m not sure why this piece stuck out to me from all the others, but I just adore the elegance, the color scheme, and the mysterious girl! (Also, I honestly loved everything of Cindy Suen’s! Everything was just too cute.)


  1. Bees and Bombs:
  2. Cindy Suen:
    • I really like this animated gif mainly because of the cuteness and that as a cat owner it’s very relatable. Although this one is less about coding more about drawing/illustration.
  3. Andreas Wannerstedt:
    • This work succeeded in giving the warping pieces thickness without increasing the overall thickness of the cylinder.  And I’m still trying to figure out how.




I admire the seamless continuity of the movement of the stairs that viewers expect to move upwards, but actually remain at the centre of the screen. When analysing how it works, I found that he may have achieved this effect by making the cubes move downwards constantly while resetting their locations when they move upwards to create another level. I admire the execution of this illusion and hope to apply it to my work as well.

I enjoy the cute humour in this piece and how Cindy plays with the dog’s snout that opens or unzips to reveal a cat. It provides an element of surprise because focusing on the snout is unexpected. Cindy’s manipulation of the rectangular yellow background emphasises the movement of the cat revealing and unrevealing itself.

I am intrigued by the detail of the organic rock formations that seem to connect seamlessly into a loop. Due to the more natural and realistic looking formation, I think Andreas Wannerstedt successfully created something timeless and surreal.


  1. David Whyte: Bees and Bombs

    • This project is interesting to me because it is so effective despite its simplicity. I am able to immediately understand how I could recreate this project in p5., which piques my interest because it is more approachable as a work.
  2. Cindy Suen:

    Bunny Toaster from Cindy Suen on Vimeo.

    • Similar to David Whyte’s work, I am able to understand how I could achieve something similar using p5.js – but this one is a little more interesting to me because it has some sort of narrative, and because I can also conceive of how I could make this piece using a 3D software as well. It is simple enough that I could-given enough time and effort and research-remake it, but it is more of a challenge (of which I am not totally turned off to trying).
  3. Lucas Zanotto:

    • All of Zanotto’s works are appealing to me because they are mostly 3D animations, which is my favorite medium to work in. However, this one in particular spoke to me because, again, it is something that I think I could make at this current moment with my current skillset. This reasoning when worded like this seems kind of depressing and lazy but I think a way I can justify this is that it gives me inspiration on different ways I can utilize the skills I already have.