duq – LoopResearch

This piece really caught my attention due to its simplicity. I think some of the other pieces do look better, but I feel like this piece is something I could have realistically made if I had thought of the idea. It puts art like this so much more within reach.


I really enjoyed this piece, as well as many similar pieces made by Suen due to her not attempting to make her gifs entirely smooth and instead leaning into the shifting shapes that originated in stop motion and other old forms of animation. I like this piece in particular due to the way different features turn into one another. The arms turn into ears, and the unhappy cube turns into a happy blob.



I found this piece to be more frustrating that satisfying as it doesn’t follow my expectations. I thought that the ring would switch which track it was taking each time, to maintain symmetry as these pieces tend to do. Instead, it only goes to the right one in every four times, so when it does go right it is very satisfying  but otherwise is super frustrating.