The previous posts already contains all the documentation I have for the final project so I’ll just copy them over here.
A unity walkaround with procedurally generated terrain of (medieval?) Pittsburgh. A simulator of ancient Pittsburgh, if you will.
An example of heightmap data used as terrain information. This information is available for almost the entirety of the US and many parts of the world at:
[Looking at point park from a little bit to the west of (what is now) Grandview Overlook]
For reference:
[Looking at Schendly from CMU]
[Random houses on Mt. Washington (south shore of PGH)]
I was working on procedural terrain generation for the first half of this project but because I found a really good package for that, there’s very little left for me to do apart from learning how to use that package. Since my goal was to learn unity, I decided to make something that requires more scripting. So I made a 3D in-game builder (the best way to explain it would be the combination of Kerbal Space Program’s user interaction combined with the mechanics of Minecraft.) I got to explore scripts, material, audio sources, UI, character controller, physics ray casting, box collider, and mesh renderer. The environment is the HDRP sample scene in Unity. It only took 150 lines of code for the builder and another 50 for a very naive character movement controller, which is quite amazing.
I spent my time catching up on past projects, and I worked on the telematic project and created a drawing website that has rooms. These rooms would be used as prompts for people around the world to draw together from a Twitter bot account that would present a new prompt everyday. The Twitter account is @CollabDrawABCs and you can view it here. Also, here is my blog post about the deliverable.
The way I achieved merging a drawing app with an app that has rooms was by looking at template code. I used the Persistent drawing app code as well as the Piano rooms code as the basis of my project.
I had some trouble in the beginning for going about merging rooms into the drawing app because the drawing app used a database to store the drawings. This made creating rooms different from the Piano rooms code, and made me understand lowdb and better.
I initially thought about having a roomID be passed as arguments into functions for the server to understand and have the server store the data separately, but that ended up not working. After doing a couple of other approaches, I finally understood what needed to be done to get this functioning.
This is where packages to the server get packaged. Each package has a roomID in the array and gets serialized and unserialized together with the line data and color data. This package then gets stored in the database by the server.
This is on the client end. It receives a package and removes the last two elements which are room and color before creating the lines.
These are the two main things I changed. There were other things that needed tweaking like drawings that are not stored and are being drawn live and changing clients to store roomID as well.
I also created a twitter bot to tweet out prompts each day. I used cheapbotsdonequick, which basically handles everything for me.
It uses Tracery which basically allows you to replace a variable in a base line of text with random other pieces of text. After that I set it to tweet once everyday.
My project was mainly a learning experience pointed at learning in the ins and outs of Unity. Because of this, a lot of my time was spent doing tutorials and getting used to the new interface and programming language (C#). I chose to insert objects from a Blender scene to make my job a bit easier, but it didn’t actually end up helping that much because I had to spend a lot of time baking the textures from the objects and remapping the objects’ UV’s. There were two main complex problems I sought to solve in my project. 1st was to create a player character that moved coherently in relation to a third person character. The 2nd issue was to create a shader system so that parts of objects only within a transparent cube would be rendered. The latter proved especially hard to figure out. I was able to implement both of these things, which I was pretty satisfied with.
Here is a video showing more clearly the capability of the cube-clipping shader system.
Where to go from here:
I had a lot of ideas for where I could take my project further, and I plan on implementing at least some of them before the submission. Here are some of them:
-make the camera moveable with mouse control
-make the player be able to ride the train
-create an above-ground environment the player can travel to
-implement better lighting
-improve materials (the trains especially)
-add other characters into the scene, perhaps with some simple crowd simulation thar allows the characters to get on and get off the train
I’ve been learning how to make 3D scrollable animations / narratives using three.js and GSAP. My goal is to get familiar with how the NYT uses their custom 3D story controls library, but I wanted to go one step deeper to understand how their library actually works.
I have been self-teaching and using Houdini as my primary 3D tool for the past 4-ish months and have learned so, so many things. One area that I wanted to dive deeper into was exploring Houdini’s newer capability to do the entire character pipeline. With their rigging toolset’s update, you do pretty much everything without leaving the software. So I went through the whole character development process, with every step being entirely procedural! Very exciting, very cool. This was just a first stab at this whole pipeline within Houdini, so I’m excited to iterate in the future and learn from mistakes I made along the way.
Floppy, soft-body character.
Other Computational Stuff
This one I have not yet gotten to since it will take quite a while. I will be turning in the final render as my final documentation.
I have been working on getting my n-body gravity simulator to function correctly. It currently calculates gravity dependent on distance to the body, the density, and the center of mass of each body for each in-play body. From here, I want to add a function to combine multiple bodies if they get too close together and different materials.
Shader, roughly speaking are functions that transform geometry to pixel on screen. There are many things people called shader. For example, in Unity, shader is defined:
.shader file
properties: customizable user input (texture, normal, …)
hidden properties: transformation matrix, mesh
shader: a combination of shaders for different platform
data = vertices_of_geometry_in_world
data =
data = rasterization(data)
data = # actually this is in the process of rasterization as depth test is after fsh
pixels = antialiasing(data)
# This is a vertex buffer file written in python style pseudo code
def vsh(aPos, aNormal, aColor, aUVCoord, ... you define):
# layout (location = 0) in vec3 aPos;
# layout (location = 1) in vec3 aNormal;
# layout (location = 2) in vec3 aColor;
# uniform mat4 model;
# uniform mat4 view;
# uniform mat4 proj;
global model
global view
global proj
# DO MATH HERE: move vertex position, add attributes to vertex
# out vec3 crntPos;
# out vec3 normal;
# out vec3 color;
# Notice [gl_Position] here is not specified. We must use this name to tell OpenGL that this is the vertex position, not attributes we defined
# crntPos is passed for light calculation
return gl_Position, crntPos, normal, color, ... you define
def rasterization(all_vertice):
# magic interpolation of all other attributes based on [all_vertice[gl_Position]]
return fragments_and_interpolated_attributes_from_vertices
def fsh(crntPos, normal, color):
# in vec3 crntPos;
# in vec3 normal;
# in vec3 color;
# uniform vec4 lightColor;
# uniform vec3 lightPos;
# uniform vec3 cameraPos;
global lightColor; # assuming there is one light
global lightPos; # assuming there is one light
global cameraPos;
# DO MATH HERE: light, shadow, special effect
# out vec4 FragColor;
return FragColor
The concept of fragment is nearly identical to pixel, except multiple fragments can contribute to one pixel. This is so that we can implement multisampling or antialiasing. If no multisampling nor antialiasing, then there is 1-to-1 correspondence between fragment and pixel on screen.
The idea is basically the same except we add a geometry shader between vertex and fragment shader.
data = vertices_of_geometry_in_world
data =
data = assemble_to_triangles(data) # returns a list of triangles, lines, or points
data =
data = rasterization(data)
data = # actually this is in the process of rasterization as depth test is after fsh
pixels = antialiasing(data)
def vsh(...):
# Everything is the same except we do not do transform and projection any more. They are done in gsh now.
def gsh(crntPos, normal, color):
# layout (points) in;
# layout (triangle_strip, max_vertices=8) out;
setInputLayout(points); # Input can only be: points (one point), lines, triangles, lines_adjacency, triangles_adjacency
setOutputLayout(triangle_strip, max_vertices=8); # Output can only be: points (multiple points), line_strip (multiple lines), triangle_strip (multiple triangles). We want to output vertices at maximum.
# in vec3 crntPos[];
# in vec3 normal[];
# in vec3 color[];
# some uniform
# DO MATH HERE: remove triangle, add mesh to point, add more triangles near this triangle, add or remove attributes to vertex
vec4 vertexPos = gl_in[0].gl_Position; # for example, get the position of first vertex
# Now we create a rectangle consists of 4 vertice
# Remember to transform and project those vertices
gl_Position = vec4(...);
gl_Position = vec4(...);
gl_Position = vec4(...);
gl_Position = vec4(...);
# We also want to create a line
gl_Position = vec4(...);
gl_Position = vec4(...);
# out vec3 cat;
return cat
def fsh(cat):
# in vec3 cat;
Minecraft is a popular sandbox survival game and I have a long relationship with this game. Funny enough, my first line of code in a general purpose language environment is a hello world printed in the Minecraft server console, and I have since then built a commercial Minecraft (with my costom GTA mode) server hosted about 300k players. To me and most of Minecraft enthusiasms, Minecraft is more than a game as it hosts communities of different interests: creative map makers, adventure map makers, minigame designers, traditional survival players, redstone technicians, youtubers, pvp players, pve players, community builders.
Now, Minecraft shaders is a program to change how the traditional Minecraft world looks like by taking over the shader engine that is used to render Minecraft. It is a great way to practice glsl skill and learn computer graphics because:
Minecraft is exciting. It encourage you to code.
You don’t have to play with testing geometry, which is boring. Minecraft provides you with a full game you can test on. It lets you build things gradually from easy to hard. You will be challenged with: terrain, lighting, shadow, transparent block, cloud, changing of the sun, moon phases, animals, water, reflective armor, rain, thunder storm, beacon special effect, posion special effect, different biomes…
Minecraft is beyond toy environment. It provides you with an overview of how actual game rendering is pipelined. It has multiple stages (more than .vsh, .fsh), use differed rendering, and dynamic load of buffers.
There are existing communities for Minecraft Shader development. Join Shader Labs
You don’t need to worry about getting attributes from Geometry. OptiFine, a mod that optimizes Minecraft renders provides with you many attributes you can use for free. You can find OptiFine Documentation Here.
However, there is one downside of learning shader using Minecraft: the OpenGL language version is quiet old. Quote from Shader Lab: “Anything that says #version 120 will be best. Minecraft 1.17 will use #version 150, but you are not restricted to just these specific #version’s. You can use any #version that your GPU/drivers support.”
OpenGL is a graphics engine that provides basic structure of rendering pipeline. Its main job is to do basic geometry load and transform, compile shader, rasterization, and talk with GPU.
Since Minecraft’s rendering pipeline is way more complex than a simple shader toy example, we will use some specialized terminology:
stage: there are 4 possible stages for each program: .vsh, .gsh, .fsh, .csh.
shader program: refer to shadows, gbuffers, composites, deferred, ... one each contains a collection of stages (.vsh, .gsh, .fsh, .csh)
pipeline: a collection of shader programs
pass: general term refer to compute from something to every pixel, filling the entire screen space without leaving out any pixel blank (e.g. without distinguish between entities and blocks)
Forward Rendering: for visible fragment (regardless overlaps), calculate light. We do calculation for every point of geometry surface in the pyramid volume (clip space) before projection to the screen.
for (fragment in models):
for (lightbulb in lights):
color += calculateLight(fragment, lightbulb)
Color, Depth, and Normal buffers, each of size W×H×3
(Images by astrofa, via Wikimedia Commons.)
Final lighting (shading) result generated using the three buffers. (Image by astrofa, via Wikimedia Commons.)
Deferred Rendering: We don’t need to calculate light for unseen part of the surface. However, as a trade off, we need to reconstruct the 3D world by inverse projection from screen space and calculate the light for every reconstructed fragment.
for (fragment in models):
albedo = get_albedo(fragment)
normal = get_normal(fragment)
depth = get_depth(fragment)
for (pixel in screen):
for (lightbulb in lights):
color += calculateLight(pixel, lightbulb, albedo, normal, depth)
The idea is that we don’t want to calculate lights for surfaces that is not visible to the camera. However, traditionally, depth test is done after fragment shader (for pixel, replacing color if smaller depth), and therefore fragment shader is run for every surface inside clip space.
Depth testing is done in screen space after the fragment shader has run. Today most GPUs support a hardware feature called early depth testing. Early depth testing allows the depth test to run before the fragment shader runs. (Depth testing)
Stages are piece of code in a file that takes in either geometry, fragment, (and uniform, buffer), output things required by other stages. It is often run on every vertex or fragment. In a typicall simple shader, vertex shader (.vsh) and fragment shader (.fsh) are two stages. But in Minecraft, there are more stages.
In OptiFine render, we have many many programs each have at maximum 4 stages.
output: projected vertex position and attributes if geometry stage does not exists // QUESTION: what if exist
geometry stage (.gsh): Optional // TODO: experiment with it
fragment stage (.fsh): // TODO: documentation says it is after rasterization. Really?
compute stage (csh): Optional. It does not know about any geometry in the world, but can write directly to a buffer at any location. (Normally when a fragment stage writes to a buffer, it is restricted to only writing at the location of the pixel it was assigned to.) // TODO: try it
Shadows (shadow.fsh/vsh): suppose to project the world to the sun (a camera looking at player from the sun). We need its depth map (z-buffer) for calculating shadow.
Gbuffers (files starting with gbuffers_): render terrain, entities, sky (later than shadow, in order or Skybasic -> skytextured -> terrain (opaque blocks, wind effect) -> tile entities (entities and entity blocks) -> textured, textured_lit (particles) -> deferred -> weather)
Composites (composite(N) or final): run after all geometry (all the gbuffers). For post-processing effects: lighting, ambient, occlusion, fancy clouds, reflections, refractions… You can write to as many buffer(s) as you want, with whatever data you want.
Deferred: (deferred(N).fsh/vsh): similar to the composite programs, but runs in the middle of terrain rendering instead of after it. More specifically, they run after all opaque objects have rendered, and before any transparent objects. There is no real goal here. You can write to as many buffer(s) as you want, with whatever data you want.
Buffer (Framebuffer Attachments) are memory shared accross different program (with special permission: some earlier stage cannot access buffers only created for later stage). This is especially useful for deferred rendering. For example, any program executed after shadow program can then access depth buffer created by shadow program.
Quote from Shader concepts by BUILDERB0Y: Create 2 buffers. one is a material buffer, the other is the translucent buffer. Make all transparent objects output their color to the translucent buffer, and a number representing their ID (passed in with varyings) to the material buffer. Composite can read the material buffer, and mix the translucent buffer with the opaque color buffer differently depending on the ID. This will allow effects such as fog behind water, or only applying reflections to glass and water but not slime blocks or nether portals. As you may have guessed though, the material buffer can only store one ID per pixel. In most cases, the ID will be that of the closest transparent object to the camera. Everything behind it will be ignored. This means that if you look at water through stained glass, suddenly it won’t have thick blue fog anymore. A lot of shader packs have similar issues. Sadly, there’s no easy way to fix this. Still, this should give you an idea of what is and isn’t possible to do with OptiFine’s pipeline.
So how to write Minecraft shader? Minecraft already has its shader. Instead of adding, we replace them. We first play with final pass final.vsh and final.fsh.
We notice that the entire screen is shifted. This is a feature of deferred rendering. The vertex shader does not take in actual vertice, but rather takes a simple plane.
In fragment shader, we simply pass albedo from the buffer to the next buffer gl_FragColor. Since it is final, the screen will directly output this color as pixel color.
Time to implement light. We need to get the lightmap (as well as normals, colors, and texture coordinate) from vertex shader gbuffers_terrain.vsh and pass into gbuffers_terrain.fsh
In fragment shader gbuffers_terrain.fsh, we simply store them in gbuffer for deferred rendering. The comment /* RENDERTARGETS: 0,1,2 */ tells OptiFine that buffer position in our code 0, 1, 2 correspond to actual buffer position 0, 1, 2. This is so that OptiFine does not need to attach other buffers that we don’t use.
varying vec4 texcoord;
varying vec3 normal;
varying vec4 color; // for biome specific color and ambient occlusion
varying vec2 lightmapCoords;
uniform sampler2D texture;
void main() {
vec4 albedo = texture2D(texture, * color;
/* RENDERTARGETS: 0,1,2 */
gl_FragData[0] = albedo;
gl_FragData[1] = vec4(normal * 0.5f + 0.5f, 1.0f); // normal is -1 to 1. We need to fit in 0 to 1 because FragData is color space
gl_FragData[2] = vec4(lightmapCoords, 0.0f, 1.0f);
In composite.vsh and composite.fsh, we simply declare uniform sampler2D colortex2; and sample the lightmap buffer using vec2 lightmap = texture2D(colortex2, tex).rg; and output the lightmap. Note that we should also specify how to read the buffer by adding comment.
const int colortex0Format = RGBA16;
const int colortex1Format = RGBA16;
const int colortex2Format = RGBA16;
Minecraft Lightmap: red channel is object light while green channel is skylight
We can write a function to tint the albedo color using lightmap:
vec3 getLightColor(in vec2 lightMap) {
const vec3 torchColor = vec3(1, 0.43, 0.09);
const vec3 skyColor = vec3(0.05f, 0.15f, 0.3f);
// Multiply each part of the light map with it's color
vec3 torchLighting = lightMap.x * torchColor;
vec3 skyLighting = lightMap.y * skyColor;
// Add the lighting togther to get the total contribution of the lightmap the final color.
return torchLighting + skyLighting;
To implement shadow in a deferred rendering way, we need to know whether a surface can be seen from the light source. So we need a “camera” from the light source. To link the two camera together, we need to reconstruct 3D environment using depth map and then project it onto the “camera” from the light source. Then we ask, whether the depth value of our projection matches the actual depth from the “camera”. If so, then we have a light hit for that specific pixel.
Similar to light map, we can render the depth buffer: uniform sampler2D depthtex0;.
Depth Map
Here is a funny looking image represent the projection of our screen space reconstructed environment onto the “camera” at the sun. The actual projection looks like this:
vec3 clipSpace = vec3(tex, depth) * 2.0f - 1.0f;
vec4 viewW = gbufferProjectionInverse * vec4(clipSpace, 1.0f);
vec3 view = / viewW.w;
vec4 world = gbufferModelViewInverse * vec4(view, 1.0f); // move from eye to feet - Minecraft's world space
vec4 shadowSpace = shadowProjection * shadowModelView * world;
Yes. The inverse of projection matrix. Although it is not invertible, it can still reconstruct some part of the world we see on screen. This is exactly the reason why we save time in deferred rendering.
Shadow Space
After that, we compare the depth value using step function instead of a branch:
Notice the shadow has strange z-fighting looking pattern because half of pixel think there is something in between it and the sun due to floating point precision error.
But the shadow is rounded. This is due to the low resolution of the shadow map. The resolution is related to screen resolution. Because the sun is very far away and it need to capture the entire world loaded, shadow near us is only represented by a few pixels. Therefore, we need more resolution near the player and less resolution for far away shadows.
For both shadow map creation and sampling, we distort the shadow by stretcing the center.
The world doesn’t look too good because we changed the way we render Minecraft completely. Time to fine tune some color. Here is how default Minecraft looks like.
Default Minecraft Looking
This is what we got now. Although it is at noon, the sun light is sharp enough, but since we don’t bounce light, the shadow can never be lit by the sun. We need to simulate non-dirrect lighting by adjusting ambient lighting according to the sun position and correct gamma.
We first try to implement Gaussian Blur. Although ideally I would use Gaussian distribution, but gaussian distribution is too complex: it joint p.d.f. (because we need x and y) involves multiple computationally heavy powers and divisions and it doesn’t have c.d.f., so I simply use distance to approximate.
L2 blur has some transparency issues near edge of renderer.
It jumps too quickly when eye moves fast. I guess it needs to be implemented between frames for smooth gradual blur. The say way you would implement motion blur.
And then we are done for today. There are many, many more improvements and many many ideas I haven’t tried. Some basics are: soft shadow, water reflection, water refraction, bloom. I was researching on Screen Space Reflection (SSR) for water that involves ray marching.
My goals for this past month were to become more comfortable with Unity, practice rigging, and mainly to create a project encapsulating both of these tasks by learning how to use the Looking Glass.
After seeing some very nontraditional interactive/immersive animations made in Unity, I realized I could kill two birds with one stone by learning the Unity interface while also expanding my use and knowledge of the medium. For the first couple weeks, I dove into watching tutorials on Unity, the Looking Glass, and general animation tutorials on Blender. I usually don’t let myself actually learn when I make projects, which ends up with a bunch of really janky artwork full of workarounds and just plain incorrect usage of the software. This prevents me from really learning, so given the time allotted specifically for tutorial watching, I finally gave myself the opportunity to learn.
This is a continuation of project from last semester I have finished with the animation aspect of the project and now need to take the information I got from the tutorials I watched and apply it to actually finishing the project.
To Do:
Script to trigger animation on button press
Set up simple box environment
Fine-tuning configuration with Looking Glass package
This part took me the most time. Instagram makes it really difficult to scrape, I had to make several test dummy accounts to avoid having my own account banned by Instagram.
After I scrapped this ig account’s entire page, I manually cleaned up the dataset to get rid of any images with face, more than two hands or no hands at all. And the remaining 1263 pictures are cropped and resized to be better processed by runwayML.
When looking at the generated images zoomed out, thy defiantly share a visual proximity with the ig:subwayhands images.
However, looking at the enlarged generated images, it’s clearly not quite at the level of actual hands. You can vaguely make out where the hand will be and what’s the posture of the hand/hands.
My Hair
scan my hairs:
I had this notebook full of my hairs that I collected throughout my freshmen year. I scanned them in to unified(1180px*1180px) squares, and at the end I was able to get an image dataset with 123 images of my own lost hairs.
Despite the small size of this dataset, the generated images exceeded my expectations and seems to more successfully resemble an actual picture of shower drain hair piece. This is probably because the hair dataset is much more regularized compared to the subway hands dataset. The imagery is also much simpler.