
  • Technical Implementation:
    • Instagram Scraping Tools/Tutorials
      • Apify – Instagram Scraper:  I played around with this tool for a bit. Overall, it’s really easy to use. Pros: fast, easy, I don’t need to do much other than inputting the Instagram page link. Cons: It crapes a lot of information, some of which are irrelevant to me. This requires me to filter/clean up the output file.  And is doesn’t directly output the pictures, instead, it provides the display URL for each image, and the URL expires after a certain amount of time.
      • GitHub – Instagram scraper :
        • There is a youtube tutorial showing how to use this.
        •  I simply could not get this one to work on my laptop, though it sees to work for others. Need to play around with this a bit more.
      • Python library  – BeautifulSoup:
      • Alternative method: Manually screenshot pictures
        • Although this is boring, redundant work, it gives me more control on what pictures I want to use to train my GAN.
    • Pix2Pix: If time allows, I want to look into using webcam to record hand posture and generate images based on realtime camera input.