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The InferKit Tool has definitely sampled from a lot of writing because I kept trying to make the text generator give new Fight Club rules, experimenting with changing the syntax of the sentence and removing words, but without fail it kept saying that the first rule is “you don’t talk about fight club.” That answer is accurate of course, but I kind of wish the generator was worse at it’s job so it could output a funnier answer. But otherwise, I thought the InferKit created surprisingly realistic and natural writing most of the time. The Narrative Device website created similarly natural-sounding writing. However, in my little experimentation I did with it, I felt that one theme usually overpowered the other. Like here I kept switching the second theme, keeping the first as “dogs with guns,” and each new prompt always had nearly nothing to do with the second theme, and was focused squarely on the exploits of armed canines. Maybe the generator is just really really interested in dogs with guns.


These are the images I ended up generating with ArtBreeder. I gravitated towards creating somewhat bleak landscapes, and I think a lot of the landscapes ArtBreeder generates are really interesting. I could see myself using the tool to help generate the base aesthetics of some alien/sci-fi/alternate dimension landscape. Also, I found it super surprising that this was made by a BCSA almunus. Although I hadn’t used ArtBreeder before,  I have definitely seen it talked about all  over the internet. I’m surprised that CMU doesn’t advertise this fact front and center on the BSCA info page.


These are two images  I generate, using the shoe and cat modes respectively. I thought this was pretty cool, but at the same time pretty frustrating, because with the cat one I gravitated to making the cat have really complex, unnatural forms, but Pix2Pix kept having trouble interpreting the image and it would keep coming out as an incomprehensible, blurry mess. I do realize why this is the case, however.


Textual Prompt: joyful beans

Textual Prompt: alice in the wonderland

It was interesting to see how both of my trials created a part of animal-like features (cat feet, fox?) when my prompts didn’t include direct relationships to animals. The resulting images were definitely different from my initial expectations, which I believe would require an in-depth understanding of the software to achieve. I like how the images contain brushstroke features, but maybe it was due to the images not being fully processed.


Prompt: “A Pingpong learning to ski”

I can see the background is like a mix of ski trail and ping-pong table. I guess the creature on the right is the skiing ping-pong, but I’m not sure why it looks furry.


I used the Pixray Readymade tool because I was using colab for another task and it would not let me do them simultaneously. I typed in “nuclear mutated flower field sunny day” and this is what happened:

It is a little too saturated and primary for my personal taste, but I am impressed by the interpretation of the prompt.


(dreamscape of dystopia in apocalypse)

(the Song Dynasty in the style of an impressionist painting)

It was very intriguing to see the program generate these versions step by step. However, by the 400 iteration, the images started becoming more and more similar where I saw little variation. Hence, I played with multiple text prompts to explore the many surreal and imaginative images that could be created.



I go to school today wearing two pair of shoes.

I’m wearing the one pair with the cuter toes and the less funky colors (neon pink with a green swoosh, and green and orange with leopard stripes).

I’m also wearing one pair of sneakers that I can play basketball with.

I don’t think any of the students or professors have noticed my footwear yet, which is a little sad.

The fashion of the faculty, such as it is, seems to be sweaters and the occasional pair of well worn jeans and / or skivvies that could be described as casual.

None of them are stylish.

Most of them look like they got dressed that morning and just threw their stuff together.

Most of them have also learned how to leave the house without looking like they’ve just got out of bed.

They know that if they look so worn out that you don’t know if they’re awake or not, they don’t have any business leaving the house at all.


Narrative Device:

Master Yoda, the wrinkled old Jedi, looked up from his book and smiled at the two children. “Coca-cola, my young ones,” he said, “would make you very happy.”


Both the two tools are really cool to play with. I like InferKit better as the text it generated has more variety than the Narrative Device.