Student Area

DrMario – Reading03

Question 1A:

Something that exhibits effective complexity is the procedural Minecraft landscape, I’d say its on the left hand side of the graph shown on page 13. It’s quite random but at the same time there are rules that it must follow so you can almost guess what it will somewhat look like.


Question 1B: I have a conflict with the problem of intent. I understand that making a computer do the work for you instead of specifically hand crafting it to be your perfect piece draws away the intent of the piece, but in some cases, like in Dead Cells, the computer generated landscape adds to the piece and the re-playability of the game which goes great with the Roguelike Genre. I think that generative art can have just as much intent as normal art as long as it fits in with the genre and ideas behind the piece.



Link to the sketch:


My project is a clock that measures time through the petal-like formation of a cosine polar equation. The highest petals count the hours, the medium count the injures, and the small ones are the seconds. Additionally, the background changes overtime, from a right blue during the day to a deep purple at night.  I had somewhat been introduced to the concept of polar equations back during the assignment to make a spiral in p5.js, and it really opened my eyes to how useful and interesting they could be. I had learned about them in my calculus class in high school, but seeing them used in this creative coding environment led me to see them in a new light.
I found using these polar equations to be surprisingly difficult, as I for all three shapes I had to modify the start and end angles in order to make the radius of petals start at zero and end at zero. I couldn’t really find a consistent pattern so I had to eyeball it, but I think it works pretty well and is pretty accurate and legible. One thing that I definitely think can be improved about this piece is its presentation. I did spend a lot of time on it, but right now it’s pretty plain. I did had ideas to implement different “themes” depending on the time of day, like it would look neon at night and more like a regular flower strong the day, but I didn’t get to chance to really flesh this out. I definitely  do want to go back and implement those ideas.


This is what the clock looks like during the day:

and this is it at night:

Here are my sketches:


While I definitely learned a lot from these resources, like the fact ancient peoples didn’t just use sundials and devices like water clocks were a thing, I think the most surprising piece of info, which was stated in the history of time measurement video, was that Stonehenge was used to plan the planting and harvesting of crops. This was interesting to me because for some reason I thought that Stonehenge’s purpose was a mystery, and I never would have guessed that it was used as a time measurement device.


I feel like I definitely spent way too much time on this, but I think it came out well. Originally, I had this stipple effect on each rent shape that looked pretty interesting, but it just turned out to be too taxing and the gif would come out super stutters and have a huge file size. I think in the future I would like to experiment with stipple/ dithering shading, but I would probably need to use shaders instead of regular p5.js shapes.


Let me introduce to you the greatest invention in the century: distributed time. Have you ever experienced inaccurate time displays when you just got off the airplane from another time zone? Do you know that the time display on your phone, laptop, or even on the wall can be manipulated maliciously by a third party and therefore would cause you to miss a meeting or make your code crash? Take a step further, do you really trust that the location of the sun and the moon is not controlled by an alien civilization (since all physical processes are turning complete and can be simulated) It is the “time” to solve all these problems! Distributed Time Project is a project to enable global time consensus based on distributed blockchain technology. It provides you with the most accurate time regardless of your location on earth (as long as it is on earth, negligible space-time dilation). You can literally speed up the time if you wish to make your meeting earlier in the day (how convenient that is), but of course, that comes with a cost. This is just one application. The other important thing about Distributed Time Project is its convenience for space travel. If you are at Alpha Centauri, it is painful and unmeaningful and stupid for you to keep earth time. It will be more annoying to find out time un-sync if you are a delivery person who doesn’t want to make Amazon delivery late. Put it simply: the current time tracking consensus breakdown during space travel. Also, if Twitter wants to serve both people on earth and on the planets of Alpha Centauri, it is more intuitive for the server to display posts’ Distributed Time relative to the poster rather than the time of either planet or time of the server since distributed servers are on different location of the Universe. For centuries, time was governed by the sun and the moon. In Distributed Time Project, we believe that time is created by the people and for the people.
It is made simply, designed for color blindness as the color can be read in grayscale. It strikes for simplicity design while carrying an artistic taste. The browser queries a blockchain node for the current block time. Because blocktime, although in consensus, is not linear with respect to the time of nature, the graphical interface needs to be responsive about predicting when the next block will be mined.
This project is focused more on the conceptual aspect. It would be best if you can view it on a spaceship of some sort that can travel fast enough to experience time dilution.
I did not have a chance to finish the project as I originally projected. This is a cut-down version as I did not implement a full eth2 node based on PoS. If I did that, the clock will look more interesting as eth2 introduced heartbeat and sharding mechanisms. I spend about 15 hours on the project and this might be considered the most unsuccessful part of the project.





Time Universe on Openprocessing

Time Universe was inspired by Superlocal made by cw&t and the new concepts of time that I encountered during time research. As I learned that time is a concept that was created by humans, I wanted to create a timepiece that presents time in an abstract way. Thus, I created my final piece which consists of big circles, medium circles, and small circles with the number of each type of circle being reflective of the current hour, minute, and second. When a user clicks on the canvas, the user is able to add a single circle of a random size; when a user drags the mouse on the canvas, the user is able to add multiple circles of random sizes. The user is able to return to the current time by pressing ENTER and change the colors of the circles by pressing any other keys. By allowing the user to change the number of circles and their colors, I intended to convey a sense that the users themselves have control over the current time. Further, I intentionally created a clock that is hard to read in order to sway the users away from being constrained to the exact measurement of time. By using this clock, I hope for the users to be more relieved from any pressure that may have arisen from time and take more initiative on the pace of their own lifestyles.

I believe my work was successful in conveying my general concept that we do not need to be pressurized or anxious about time. I enjoy how the colors change depending on the position of each circle and that my work includes several elements of interactivity, which I would like to continue to bring into my future works. Yet, I see many aspects of my work that could be altered or changed, which I wasn’t able to implement mainly due to the time constraint. A major feature that I would like to add is allowing the users to remove a circle by clicking on it, which would work with my current element of adding the circles. I believe this would further strengthen my current concept by allowing the user to not only lengthen time but also shrink time. Moreover, when the user returns to the current time by pressing ENTER, the transition could be smoothed out by adding a fading out effect to the circles. I also wanted to add a shadow to each circle and add a background image to enhance the visual depth. Nonetheless, I enjoyed working on this prompt and getting to deeply think about the meaning of time; I would like to also try out my other project ideas later on.


The main bone of the fish does not flow with the rest of the body. I can’t think of a way to coordinate all these with `rect`. I have already spent too much time on this piece. So I decided to move on.
Here is my stylus and electronic-paper sketch. Hope it is fine.


Rectangular Trap on Openprocessing

The process of creating this work came more naturally; it was different from my initial ideas. I initially intended to create a flower that blossoms infinitely by rotating rectangles around its corners. Yet, as I created this piece, I wanted to play around with the straight edges of the rectangles, which is how I came to create my final piece. I believe I have succeeded in creating multiple shapes with a simple repetition (and creating an infinite loop!) by allowing the objects to layer on top of each other. The use of simple colors has added to this effect with some objects having the same color as the background. Although I personally enjoy the simplicity of this piece, I wonder if this piece is too simple in that it lacks detailed motion: all the objects included in this piece move around the origin. I think it would also have been an interesting experience if I proceeded with my first two ideas shown in the sketch.