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Colored (video):

This piece exists in a shaded color version as well as this black and white version. I had originally set out to make a colored gif because my idea was to create an image of pulsing intestines. The colored version looks more like actual intestines because it looks more three dimensional with the shadows, but I think the lines on the monochrome one are sufficient in giving the allusion of 3D. The project is also interactive in that the user can draw their own version. I think the noise makes this successful in looking “alive”, but it does not give off a clear image of intestines, as I had originally intended.



I knew I wanted to try to create the illusion of an object moving down a staircase using a loop. However, it was very difficult to time the movements of each object. After a few trials and errors, I was able to understand the key elements of creating an animated loop.  I think I was able to successfully achieve the motion and rotation of the square falling. However, if I had more time, I would’ve played around with the animation of the cube (from the bottom of the staircase to the top) more. I would’ve also tried to make the floating staircase more dynamic—flying up to catch the cube at the right time.

(initial sketches)


The video about timekeeping devices made me imagine and think through many interesting problems we need to solve in the future regard to timekeeping on the scale of light-years. With relativity, timekeeping is non-trivial and indeed demands research. Many applications, such as interplanetary Amazon delivery and interplanetary Twitter can hugely be benefited from the next generation time-keeping device.


(Visit: for better experience)


Rush Hour - by Andreas Wannerstedt (
Rush Hour – by Andreas Wannerstedt (

Unlike many of looped GIFs, this image has a nice conceptual meaning beyond visual satisfaction. Titled “Rush Hour”, the GIF highlights the complexity of human decentralized route-planning ability. Think subway in NYC, somehow people are able to navigate through crowd without any communication. This, even with full communication, is an NP-hard problem. The image, with high visual complexity, highlight this fact vividly.

Poached Egg Party - by Cindy Suen (
Poached Egg Party – by Cindy Suen (

It is hard to play with colors of high saturation. And this image demonstrates it well.

:) by @beesandbombs(Dave) (
🙂 by @beesandbombs(Dave) (

It is just an image that visualize a 2D function, but it let me stare at it for a long time. As an art, it does not sacrifice any accuracy to make the visualization more interesting.

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Link to OpenProcessing Project

It was actually quite difficult to create an animated gif through code because I was used to having a user’s input (like mouse, keys, etc)  be the parameters for interaction and movement. However, with an animated gif, the main driver of movement is time, which got some getting used to. I wish that I made the animation more dynamic, but I realize that this animation is not supposed to take up a lot of time. I had a lot of other things on my plate, so I kept it simple. Since there is a 3 color limit, I think I should have chosen a different subject that is a bit more abstract rather than something that requires many different colors to understand what it is.

Here is my sketch before I made the animation:


I succeeded in learning to draw isometric cubes (using scale-shear-rotate) in p5 and to use p5.func and createLoop to make a seamless loop. I didn’t totally understand the t01 calculation in Golan’s code – it seems like it’s figuring out what frame we are on and normalizing it, but I would have thought the 3000 is loop duration*1000, but changing that value completely bugged out the animation so I assume it’s related to framerate in some way. it’s the same as doing animLoop.progress (where are we in the animation from 0 to 1), but they don’t play well together for GIF export because they may be phase-offset.

I took a long time to decide what to do for my loop, as I wanted to try to do something more conceptual, but in the end went with this simple visual. Could have better heeded the “This is a mini-project, so KEEP IT SIMPLE” note.

It’s not a very complex animation, but it’s elegant and works well. An easy strategy to make it more visually impressive could just be to make a grid of the module I’ve built (taking a cue from our references), perhaps shifting the timing of each row so it’s a cascade / canon of sorts. Edit: Added this.


Dr. Mario – Time Research

My favourite one of these readings/viewing was the video of the entire history of timekeeping in 6 minutes. It was short and sweet, and I think the part that stuck with me the most was the fact that people were trying so hard to figure out a way to track longitude and it took many many years to come up with what today we would think of something so simple, a wind up clock.

Dr. Mario – Loop Research


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I was immediately drawn to the changing colours and the spinning, but what I really liked the most was the effect on the hexagons as they transition, they have a really cool shutter effect going on.


Skateboarding sandwich.

Google CES Diorama from Andreas Wannerstedt on Vimeo.

This one is incredible. Its kind of a loop with the train, but I really like the idea of this lo-poly city. What is even cooler is that they 3D printed it all so that it is now a physical sculpture which I think is amazing.


By watching and reading more about time, I have become ambivalent towards the concept of time. On the one hand, I am amazed at how we, as humans, were able to achieve such an accurate measure of time, especially since I learned that time doesn’t have a direct natural source (Drucker, 2). Yet, on the other hand, seeing all the past timekeeping devices makes me wonder how my lifestyle would have differed if time wasn’t as accurate as it is now. Sometimes, my actions are pressurized/motivated by time as I see the time change every second and know that I have to do certain things by a certain time. I feel like it has motivated me to re-think the way I perceive and approach time.


Bees and Bombs (David Whyte) – I find it interesting that the general pattern itself is very structured, but the way each dot flows adds a softer/organic aspect to it.

Link to GIF

Cindy Suen – I like how each movement in this GIF flows smoothly with one another in a creative way. I especially like how the ribbon comes out of the cat’s mouth like a tongue.

Andreas Wannerstedt – I really enjoy the conceptual aspect of this work: the simple and repetitive motions convey a strong story. I also find the sound effects and sand-like motions to be relaxing, which I believe portrays an idea that we may often be stuck in our comfort zones.