ASSIGNMENT: We skipped this very important topic in class because of networking issues. Please read our code of conduct. If you are not a CFA student please ask me in class or in person if you have any questions or concerns about this policy.
Golan’s TED talk
Class Notes, 29 Aug 2017
Boring half
Review the class syllabus including rules for attendance and grading.
We will add students to the blog on Thursday so you can ask questions or comment on notes or projects.
What is physical computing?
From simple to complex:
- light switch – simple circuit: power, switch, light
- electric alarm clock – shows the time, one can set the time with switches
- toaster oven – thermistor detects temperature, knob selects desired temperature, electric coils heat the interior
- DDR / game controllers – complex switches with visual or haptic/tactile feedback (vibrations)
- automated audio mixing board – ignore the music slang and look at the interaction between control knobs and sliders and how the board can rearrange them based on a recording
- メカ
Where/why does physical computing matter?
Physical computing has support in places like the Exploratorium.
Art and design + engineering and robotics ==> physical computing projects.
Golan’s Double-Taker
Daniel Rozin’s interactive mirrors.
Haptics class demo of a new product.
We will go over the artist’s statement assignment in detail on Thursday.