Assignment 3: Nina Prakash

Laughing Boy: An Animated Emoji

For this assignment I animated a laughing emoji face. The story goes that the boy is always happy and laughing but really needs his personal space, so as someone gets closer to him, he laughs more slowly. The further away people are from him, the harder he laughs.

Initially I had buttons as inputs so you “tickle” the face to make it laugh, but I changed it to an IR distance sensor just for fun. I had a bit of trouble with wiring it, but they were pretty simple mistakes so it worked pretty smoothly once I fixed them. Also the output readings from the IR sensor were different every time I uploaded it, but I fixed this by playing around with how I calculated the delay and soldering a pin to the end of the wire on the IR sensor. After that it worked pretty smoothly.


Everything else is included in this Drive file including fritzing sketch and reflection:

1 thought on “Assignment 3: Nina Prakash”

  1. I think this was very well done and I enjoyed the concept behind it as well. The code is simple and straightforward and the aesthetic was clean and concise. I’m curious as to how the IR sensors work and what kind of output it provides. I feel like a lot of people’s projects had similar concepts but they were not as cleanly executed due to the use of photosensors rather than utilizing the IR sensor the way you did. I also really enjoy the tickling idea and was curious how you would implement that aspect if you were given more time or another chance to work on this project.

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