Proposal — Waorb

— W A O R B — warm orb 

What is the waorb? I’m so glad you asked! 

The waorb is an arduino compatible microcontroller connected to two resistive temperature sensor circuits and two little heaters attached with thermal silicone to the inside a copper shell. 

That nice… What will it do? 

It will become waorb. 

What does that mean?

The waorb will have two modes. Listening and repeating. During the listening mode the woarb will be held firmly in both hands, after a delay/once it senses a stable temperature circa body temp it will record this temperature. In repeat mode the Waorb can be touched with by the tips of your fingers (or your whole hand but that’ll make it weird) and will repeat back all of the body temperatures it’s experienced. Because I want the waorb to be simple it will just use its shell’s ability to dissipate heat to move between tempratures. This is why it will be best to only touch the waorb with a few fingers while it is repeating. 

How will I make the Waorb and how will I learn the necessary Waorb making skills?

I asked the electrical engineer I live with to explain the basic information I would need to complete the Waorb. Over the past couple days they taught me about basic circuit components and taught me about possible options I could pursue for this project. I designed the above circuit with their help and they showed me a program that I can use to make sure the components I’ll purchase from digikey will work together. 

I have experience in jewelry making which I believe will make the outside construction of the waorb possible. As well as limited experience with soldering/putting together electronics. While I have not programmed an Arduino, I do think that my other programming experience and the abundance of Arduino tutorials (as well as the simplicity of the program) will make waorb a possible project.