
I’d like to share the work of an artist, Jasper Léonard, who specializes in a specific type of photography I love, miniature faking.

Miniature faking involves manipulating a tilt-shift lens on a camera in a specific way to create a miniature effect on a normally-sized subject. Léonard captures life-sized scenes in this fun and inventive way, and as a lover of all things miniature and scale model (things that are smaller than they should be are just so darn cute), this process of capturing the world really speaks to me.

Yes, these are actual photos of New York City that are made to look like toys!

He has a few books that focus on specific cities captured this way, such as New York ResizedAntwerp Resized, and Belgium Resized. I have New York Resized, if anyone is interested and wants me to bring it to class!