The multiple video series is a typological self-portrait of the progression of my vogue performance. The overlapping figures embody the five elements of Vogue performance (Hands, Floor, Catwalk, Duckwalk, Spins & Dips), creating a closer inspection of personal style and weakness.

What can I learn about my vogue through a typology? What performance happens when collage creates a new form?

Initially, starting with the idea of using pornography, I thought about overconsumption and body performance. This idea quickly faded out of boredom the idea manifested a new self-referential material. Frequently watching clips of my progression into my vogue has become a sort of ritual. I learn a lot by watching clips and picking up on things not visible within the motion. The figures are isolated from their original context to provide a focal point for the movement. The program RunwayMl aided me in this process by providing a green screen device. The process in which I selected the figures was to be from a single session of practice, and then by close inspection, I categorized each movement into the following element. This process worked best for my project because it allowed me to organize figures easily. I believe I succeeded in creating a typology while also digging deeper into a self-critique. However, these videos are a base that has room for more potential. I am thinking about filters and further distortion that could potentially take place.

Typology Machine:

Link Google Drive:


References / Inspiration:

Disney, Ice Princess, 2005, (physics of figure skating)

Tamiyah FQ  Performance

Martine Syms: Nueral Swamp (2022)