Looking Outwards-04

Martin Klimas plays songs through a frequency generator with pigmented water on top, so that the sound waves cause the water to create standing waves. This way, we are able to visualize the tones themselves as they appear in the wate, three dimensionally. I admire the fact that you can actually visualize the frequencies as beautiful and dynamic forms.





Project 04-String Art

I was trying to create intricate spaces reminiscent of a stained glass window taken to the extreme.


sketch index

//Arula Ratnakar
//String Art

var y = 640
var xStep = 50

function setup() {

function draw() {
	for (var i = 20; i< 480; i+=20)
	line(width/2,0, i, y )

	for (var i = 20; i<480; i+=20)
	line (width/2, 640, i, yTwo)

	for (var i = 20; i <640; i+=20)
	line (0, height/2, 480, i)
	for (var i = 20; i<640; i+=20)
	line (480, height/2, 0, i)
	for (var i = 20; i<640; i+=20)
	line (0, 0, 480, i)

	for (var i = 20; i<640; i+=20)
	line (480, 0, 0, i)

	for (var i = 20; i<640; i+=20)
	line (0, 640, 480, i)

	for (var i = 20; i<640; i+=20)
	line (480,640, 0, i)
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Dynamic Drawing

I call this drawing the “Rainbow Eraser.” As you move the cursor from left to right, a black rectangle covers the rainbow. As you move back from right to left, the black rectangle is erased.



//Arula Ratnakar
//Section C 
//Dynamic Drawing: Rainbow Eraser

var redX = 0;
var orangeX = 100; //beginning of the orange rectangle
var yellowX = 200;
var greenX = 300;
var blueX = 400;
var purpleX = 500;
var purpleY = 600;
var colorMain = 0; //variable used to create the main white rectangle at the end

function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 600);

function draw() {
	noStroke ();
	background (0);
	fill (255, colorMain, colorMain);//fills first rectangle with red (for now)
	rect (redX ,0, orangeX, 600);
	fill ('orange');
	rect (orangeX,0, orangeX, 600);
	fill ('yellow');
	rect (yellowX, 0, orangeX, 600);
	fill ('green');
	rect (greenX, 0, orangeX, 600);
	fill ('blue');
	rect (blueX, 0, orangeX, 600);
	fill ('purple');
	rect (purpleX, 0, orangeX, 600);

	if (mouseX < 600) {
		redX = mouseX; //attaches mouseX to the leftmost edge of the red rectangle

	if (mouseX > yellowX) {
		orangeX = mouseX;

	if (mouseX > greenX){
		yellowX = mouseX;

	if (mouseX > blueX){
		greenX = mouseX;

	if (mouseX > purpleX){
		blueX = mouseX;

	if (mouseX > 600) {
		purpleX = mouseX;//as you drag the mouse from left to right, the black background shows through, "erasing" the rainbow

	if (mouseX > 600){
		colorMain = 255; // when you start to drag the mouse back from right to left, the white will "erase" the black box

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    <script src="sketch.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Looking Outwards-02 Arula

This is a work by Alex Dragulescu. He created an algorithm that took apart computer viruses and identified their habits, grouping and growing tendencies, and patterns. Using these patterns, he created three dimensional forms. I like this work because it makes a computer virus seem like an actual mutated cell from a human virus. The floral, spiraling form  of the trojan virus pictured below has both beautiful and grotesque aspects to it, for a beautiful piece of code that is used for a grotesque purpose.


Generative Faces Project-02

I was trying to make the face resemble the style of characters from PowerPuff Girls and FairlyOdd Parents I really like the changing eye colors, which I did by replacing the g value in (r, g, b) with the variable eyeColor.


sketch index

//Arula Ratnakar
//Section C
//Generative Faces

var eyeSize = 20;
var faceWidth = 120;
var faceHeight = 150;
var pupil = 20//I said pupil but I meant iris
var mouth = 20
var hairWidth = 200
var hairHeight = 150
eyeColor = 7

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);
function draw() {
    background(170, 204, 235);
    noStroke ()
    ellipse (width /2, ((height/2)-20), hairWidth, hairHeight)//adds hair to the face
    fill (184, 151, 123)// colors the face
    ellipse(width / 2, height / 2, faceWidth,  faceHeight);
    fill (0)
    ellipse (width/2, ((height/2)-50), 70, 70)
    var eyeLX = width / 2 - faceWidth * 0.25;
    var eyeRX = width / 2 + faceWidth * 0.25;
    fill (255)
    ellipse(eyeLX, height / 2, eyeSize, eyeSize);
    ellipse(eyeRX, height / 2, eyeSize, eyeSize);
    fill (116,eyeColor, 183)
    ellipse (eyeRX, height /2, pupil, pupil)//adds right iris
    ellipse (eyeLX, height/2, pupil, pupil)//adds left iris
    ellipse (eyeLX, height/2, pupil/2, pupil/2)//adds left pupil
    ellipse (eyeRX, height/2, pupil/2, pupil/2)//adds right pupil
    ellipse (width/2, 280, 30, mouth);//adds a mouth
function mousePressed() {
    faceWidth = random(100, 200);
    faceHeight = random(100, 160);
    eyeSize = random(20, 30);
    pupil = random (15, 20)
    mouth = random (1, 40)
    hairWidth = random (200, 350)
    eyeColor= random (1, 255)// changes the eyecolor


Self Portrait Arula-01

index sketch

function setup() {
    createCanvas(300, 300);

function draw() {
	fill (30, 20, 15);
	ellipse (90, 180, 150, 200);
	fill (226, 185, 143);
	ellipse (100, 150, 90, 100);
	fill (30, 20, 15);
	ellipse (65, 120, 40, 53);
	fill (255);
	ellipse (117, 150, 20, 15);
	fill (255);
	ellipse (85, 150, 20, 15);
	fill (0);
	ellipse (119, 150, 10, 10);
	fill (0);
	ellipse (87, 150, 10, 10);
	noStroke ();
	fill (226, 185, 143);
	quad (90, 190, 110, 190, 110, 250, 90, 250);
	fill (181, 82, 57);
	quad (60, 215, 130, 230, 120, 283, 60, 283);
	ellipse (100, 180, 20, 10);
	fill (30, 20, 15);
	rect (73, 135, 20, 5);
	rect (107, 135, 20, 5);



Looking Outwards-01: Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Nintendo’s Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, for the Wii U, is a video game that I find especially inspiring. It includes majestic landscapes, floating castles, monstrous bosses, creepy monsters, adorable creatures, giant flying birds, sword fights, gorgeous temples and castles, and an incredible story.  Nine people led the design of the game, organizing themselves into teams of writers, composers, designers, producers, and a director (Hidemaro Fujibayashi). The entirety of the game’s development process took five years. The main drive behind creating Skyward Sword was the creators’ feeling that they had not fully fleshed out the world of Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, and the need to create a Zelda game that was as well received and cherished as Ocarina of Time. Skyward Sword makes up for the flaws of Twilight Princess, and recreates the intrigue and beauty of Ocarina of Time. The creators of Legend of Zelda could work with virtual reality in the future and have the players fully immerse themselves into the beautiful worlds and landscapes and characters. They are currently in the process of developing a Zelda game for the PlayStation 4. Skyward Sword inspired me to pursue a minor in Game Design, because it showed me the incredible results (an entirely new universe full of crazy fantasy places and characters!) of incredible imagination.