William Su-LookingOutwards-02


Fluctus by LIA

LIA is an Australian artist whose primary working material is code.

The piece, “Fluctus” especially appeals to my aesthetic sense. I like the fluidity and vision behind it. The funny part about it for me is, is that it reminds me of the painful times where i’ve had to deal with computers crashing or some of my own coding projects not working as it should.

While it evokes some negative memories, it is absolutely cool to look at.

As far as how it works, it looks like the “artboard” is probably not redrawing at all like you would for a smooth, singular animation. Instead, the algorithm just leaves behind what it draws as it goes and keeps drawing on top. This creates a smooth, repeated pattern that gives it a 3d “noodle” look. There also seems to be some “mirroring” going on where the drawer starts splitting in certain areas. It certainly adds to the complex but simple nature of the artwork.

Another interesting thing as I was watching this is that the way the drawer moves makes it look like it was a “performance”. The movement looks like its choreographed in a way that makes it look purposefully artistic rather than the random generation of computer.

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